Stressful Nights

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((Ashkdkdjdjs 😭😍 daddddyyy^^

I know I'm obsessed with cute fluffy, cuddly imagines but Fuck it. ))

Returning from your late night shift as a nurse at roughly 2am, you knew you still had paperwork and forms to fill out. After changing into Bill's tee and some Disney pyjama bottoms, you sighed heavily when sitting in the office downstairs.

It was late - Bill was already asleep in bed and you began to drift away when leaning on a elbow, surrounded by dim lights.

Flustered from stress, you rushed upstairs to the bathroom. You splashed cold water to wake up as you knew you had at least 2 full pages to fill. Staring back at your damp reflection, your bottom lip began to tremble and tears gathered in your eyes in a result of being overwhelmed by the pressure.

Inhaling in, you decided to grab your shit together. You grabbed a soft black towel and dabbed your face to dry up. Once turning off the bathroom light, you saw the bedroom door slightly opened, opening up the darkness inside. You felt yourself being lured in, just to watch Bill sleep. It was extremely comforting.

Opening the door, there you saw it - Bill being on his side of the bed ( which is closer to the door), facing you with eyes lightly shut. Perfect pink lips curled in a pouty smile which was slightly opened letting soft snores escape.

Your eyes softened but the weak frown still remained, wishing you could enjoy the comfort of Bill cuddling with you but you knew work was just waiting for you downstairs. As you sniffled to hold in a weep, Bill's eyes fluttered, glistening and squinting from the light behind you, seeping from the hall way.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked in a low groggy voice has he propped up on a elbow to view you better. You felt tears escape, you didn't want to cry but you just couldn't hold it in. You rubbed your face to mask it but it didn't do a good job.

"Baby, Baby.. what's up?" Bill frantically whispered, still propped on one side.

"I-I I just have tonnes of work and I can't cope.." you explained in small whimpers, rubbing your weary eyes.

"Awe, come here, princess. Cmon." Bill lured you in with a soft voice as he peered over to the clock. "It's 3 in the morning, Y/N. You need to sleep."

"I have two more pages, Bill. I can't." You tried to explain in the doorway but he wasn't having any of it. "Get in."he commanded quite sternly yet lovingly, opening up the covers on his side so you will be on his side too; snuggled into his chest.

Sulking with bottom lip hanging, you gave in. You shut the door, cancelling all light, with one hand and pulled down your pyjama bottoms leaving you in Bill's black tee and your panties. ( Hate that word.. )

Bill gave you a weak yet comforting smile with lazy eyes, arms still open for you to climb into. You did as expected, crawling in so his bare chest pressed against you back. His toned arms locked you in secure, hands pressed on your stomach. Long fingers, rubbed into your belly as he rested his face into your messy bun which had plenty loose stray hairs falling onto the pillow. He didn't mind the face full of hair, as long as you were comfy. "Mmmm. I love you, goodnight baby." He murmured into the small gap of your hair and neck. He knew you were asleep, he knew you loved him too.


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