Chapter 2

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Charlie sat at the piano and began to play some chords. He had a wickedly mischievous grin on his face as he charmed the crowd. He then began to play and sing, "Marvin Gaye"

Shawn was memorized watching him. He was so charming, confident and poised. Not to mention his talent.

Pete gave TJ a worried glance.

TJ waved it off.

Pete simply shook his head. He was hoping this was not going to become a thing. He worried about his buddy Shawn. Charlie really was trouble. He didn't know him personally, but word on the street was that Charlie is pretty wild.

Shawn felt his face blush when Charlie locked eyes with him as he sang, "Whoa, there's lovin' in your eyes that pulls me closer."

He smirked as he sang, "It's so subtle, I'm in trouble, but I'd rather be in trouble with you. Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on."

Shawn took a long swig of his beer. He was not expecting to have this type of a reaction to a performance.

Just then the place erupted in whistling and cheering. Shawn smiled proudly as he clapped his hands.

Immediately, he wanted more. He thought about how terrified he was to get up there. Perhaps one day, he would be writing a song for someone talented like that.

"Well, I wouldn't want to follow that." Shawn said as he shook his head.

"It was okay." Pete said sounding disinterested.

Shawn looked confused. "Are you kidding?"

Pete shook his head. "Who wants another round?"

Shawn stood up. "I got this one." He said then turned and headed up to the bar.

When he reached the bar, there was a bit of a wait. The place was starting to become quite crowded. Just then an indie singer/songwriter stepped onto stage to play an original piece. Shawn turned to watch.

In the corner of his eye he kept checking on the bartender. His heart began to beat rapidly when he saw Charlie push up against the bar to talk with the bartender. Now he would really never get his drinks.

He tried not to stare, but it was difficult. They seemed awfully flirty, he thought to himself.

Luckily, the music was a mellow acoustic sound so he could make out some of what they were saying to one another.

"Don't be a prick Puth." She said in frustration.

Shawn felt his stomach get a bit queasy when Charlie leaned over the bar to whisper something in her ear. She giggled then cupped his face in her hand and kissed him passionately.

It puzzled Shawn that number one, he got a strong gay vibe from Charlie and number two, he never witnessed a passionate kiss that seemed so cold at the same time. He couldn't really explain it.

Just then Charlie locked eyes with him and Shawn quickly turned away. "Shit." He said under his breath.

Charlie smirked and headed over to him. When he was close enough, he signaled over to the bartender to take his order. "She can be a bit flakey."

Shawn tried to act nonchalant, but was awful at it. He responded with an awkward smile.

"Well, aren't you adorable." He said and took a step closer.

Shawn felt an electric charge through his entire body just by being this close to him.

"What can I get you?" the waitress asked.

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