Chapter 38

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"Let's go." Shawn said to Pete.

Pete stood up and put his hands-on Shawn's shoulders. "What happened?"

"Can we please just go?"

Just then Stokes came over when he saw Shawn in tears. "Hey, what's going on?"

Pete glanced at Stokes and said, "This reeks of your friend."

"Excuse me?" Stokes asked, defensively.

"This has to do with that shit face, doesn't it?" Pete asked Shawn.

"Stop it, Pete."

Stokes shoved him. "Watch your mouth, asshole."

Pete shoved him back then the two began to charge at one another.

It didn't take long for security to come over and escort them outside.

Charlie could hear the commotion from outside. He ran back in and saw Pete and Stokes being escorted out of the pub. He quickly followed after them.

"Go home and cool off!" one of the bouncers said then closed the door.

Just then Charlie came out and ran over to Stokes. "What happened?"

"What did you do now you little twerp?!" Pete shouted.

Shawn shook his head then began to walk down the street.

"Shut your fuckin' mouth!" Stokes shouted.

Charlie saw Shawn walking alone down the street. He headed for him, but Pete held his arm.

"Leave him the fuck alone."

"Get your hand off me." Charlie said sternly.

"Stay away from him." Pete said then ran after Shawn.

Stokes walked up to Charlie. "What the hell happened?"

Charlie looked down. "Shawn and I got into a bit of an argument."

"He was crying, bro." Stokes said.

Charlie looked hurt. "He....cried?"

Stokes nodded. "What is going on?"

"Do you remember when....well....I started to make my own money?" he asked as he started walking alongside Stokes.

Stokes gritted his teeth. "I don't want to remember. I am still pissed at you about that."

Charlie frowned. "I did it for us."

Stokes stopped walking and placed his hands-on Charlie's shoulders. "You know how I feel about this. I blame myself. Maybe if I would have..."

"It isn't your fault. I made my own decisions."

Stokes looked curiously at him. "What does this have to do with Shawn? Did he find out? Did you TELL him?!"

"No. no no." he said then started walking again. "The agent dude...well..."

Stokes stopped. "No way."

"Not him." He said. "His...father...who owns the company."

Stokes stopped walking. "Fuck."

"When I saw the name, I remembered and Shawn started asking questions."

"Are you going to tell him?"

Charlie walked over to the wall of a nearby building and sat down. Stokes joined him.


"How can I tell him something like that?" he asked then turned to Stokes with tears in his eyes.

"Actually, he is a pretty decent dude. I think he would understand."

Charlie shook his head. "He may never look at me the same way. You should see how he looks at me. How his family looked at me? Oh god, if his family ever found out."

Tears fell down his cheeks.

"Stop this now. You are still an incredible person. This doesn't define who you are. Do you hear me?"

Charlie leaned his head on Stoke's shoulder. "I thought meeting Shawn was a chance to be set free, but I realize that is never going to happen."

Stokes put his arm around him. "I think you should talk to him."

"It's over, Stokes. I won't hurt him anymore. I have been selfish with him. He doesn't deserve...this."

"What about what you deserve?"

"I know what I deserve."

Stokes pulled him close and kissed the top of his head. "You deserve happiness. Let me talk to him."

Charlie looked horrified. "NO! Promise me you won't interfere! Promise me, right now!"

"Okay!" he shouted back at him.

"Can you stay over?"

Stokes nodded then stood up and helped Charlie up off of the floor. "Let's go, kid."

Back at Shawn's place he was tossing and turning in bed. He knew he needed sleep before the meeting tomorrow, but he could not stop thinking about Charlie. Finally, he cracked.

Shawn> Are you up?

Stokes heard the text alert and lifted his head. He saw Charlie's phone lit up on the nightstand. He reached over to grab it, but Charlie smacked his hand. "Don't' even think about it."

Stokes chuckled then put his head back down on the pillow. "Answer him back."

Charlie grabbed his phone and read the message.

Charlie> You need your sleep for tomorrow.

Shawn> I don't want to go without you. Can you please go with me?


"What is it?" Stokes asked.

"He wants me to go to the meeting with him."

"Oh, fuck is right."

Incoming call from Shawn.

Charlie took a deep breath then picked up.


Shawn began to cry.

"What's wrong?"

"I just...I miss you and I don't like fighting."

"I don't like it either."

Stokes slowly slid out of bed and quietly left the apartment. He was hoping they could work things out.

Charlie watched him leave then turned his attention back to the call.

"Can you come over?"

"I don't think that is a good idea, Shawn."

Shawn moaned. "I love it when you say my name."

Charlie couldn't help but smile. "If I come over, you won't get any sleep."

"I will just come over to you, then."

"Shawn, no! Please just get some sleep."

"Please tell me what happened when we were talking. It was like you remembered something."

"It was nothing."

"Please, Charlie. I need you to trust me."

"Shawn, stop."

"I am going to ask you again. Charlie, I am begging you, please tell me what you remembered?"

"I...I can't."

Call ended.

Shawn began throwing things around in his room as tears fell down his face.

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