Chapter 64

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Charlie looked like he was trying to find the right words to say when...

Pete began coughing like he was going to vomit any moment.

"Hold that thought." Shawn said then ran over to him.

"Did he just ask me to move in with him?", Charlie said quietly to himself.

"I'm here." Shawn said to Pete as he held the bucket up to him and rubbed his back in comfort.

Charlie poured water into a glass and then walked it over.

"Thank you." Shawn said.

Pete dry heaved a bit and then fell back onto the pillow.

"Hey...hey. Drink some water." Shawn said.

Pete groaned in response.

"Can you get me a straw, babes?"

Charlie nodded then headed into the kitchen.

"They are in the..."

"I know where they are."

Shawn smiled at the thought of possibly living under the same roof as Charlie.

"Here you go." He said holding the straw out to Shawn.

"Thanks." He said then brought the glass to Pete. "Come on, bud. Drink up."

Pete took in a little then shook his head. "Well, that's a start anyway."

"Why don't we go lay down for a bit? We can leave the bedroom door open." Charlie suggested.

Shawn looked conflicted. "I dunno. I don't think he should be alone out here."

"He's a grown man, Shawn. You need rest too."

Shawn nodded then motioned to stand up, but Pete squeezed his hand. "Don't go."

Shawn looked at their hands and then back at Charlie.

"Stay." Pete groaned.

Charlie looked at Shawn waiting for a decision.

"What am I supposed to do?" Shawn whispered to him.

"I guess you need to stay with him."

Shawn let go to Pete's hand and waited to see if he would wake up. When he didn't, Shawn held out his hand to Charlie.

"I need you to stay with me."

Charlie took it and squeezed it. "I will go get some pillows and a blanket no problem."

"No." Shawn said seriously then stood up to face him.

Charlie waited for clarification because he was lost.

"I need you to stay here with me."

"Need?" Charlie asked, still in shock.

Shawn pulled him to a corner in the living room. "Yes, need. I need to wake up next to you. I need to say goodnight to you before I fall asleep. Not only do I need those things...I want them...with you."

Charlie tried to process all that Shawn was saying, but it was overwhelming, especially at 2am. "Wow, Shawn. That is a big step."

"One I want to take with you." He said then cupped Charlie's face in his hands and searched his face for some insight into what he was thinking.


"Okay?" Shawn asked.

Charlie nodded.

Shawn presses his lips to Charlie's and they kissed passionately.

"Shawn." Pete groaned.

Charlie groaned in frustration. "So, who is going to break the news to him? Based on how he handled us coming out, this should be a walk in the park." Charlie said sarcastically.

"Once he sobers up, okay?" Shawn said then ran over to Pete.

"Right." Charlie said, not really believing him. Shawn had lost control of the situation. He had indulged Pete's behavior for so long that no talk from him was going to make a difference. Shawn was like a teacher or a parent that gave empty threats. If you don't stop talking, I am going to give you more homework or if you don't stop hitting your sister you are not getting dessert. The problem was, he never followed through on the consequence. Charlie knew the conversation that needed to happen was between himself and Pete...without Shawn there. He would make sure it happened sooner rather than later. 

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