Chapter 6

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The two men walked, talked and laughed as they headed over to the session.

On the way, they were stopped a few times by people that knew Charlie.

He finally had to say something. "You are a popular guy, Puth."

Charlie laughed out loud, warming Shawn's heart. "Hardly." was his reply.

As they continued to walk, they approached a street musician. The man was seated on a stool. He had to be in his early 30's, haggard looking. His guitar case was open with a few dollars and change resting inside.

Shawn stopped to watch the performer. Charlie stood beside him.

"I love these guys." Shawn admitted. "I mean the guts, determination and raw talent."

Charlie glanced at Shawn profile and smiled. "I agree."

Shawn turned to smile at him. He had to look slightly down since he was taller than him.

Just then the song ended and a few people watching clapped.

Charlie pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and placed it into the case.

The performer looked as though he had just won the lottery. "Thank you, young man."

"No problem my brother." He said then grabbed Shawn by the hand and gently pulled him along.

"Did you just leave a twenty-dollar bill?"

Charlie shrugged it off. "Yes, of course."

"I mean, that is very kind of you, but...that is a lot."

Charlie nodded. "I felt for the guy, plus I know what it is like. I was a street performer at one point."

Shawn did not want to miss this window of opportunity to learn more about this mesmerizing man. "Wow, really?"

Charlie nodded. "N."o big deal."

Shawn had so many questions. He opened his mouth to begin, but was cut off as they arrived at the apartment building.

"Here we are." Charlie said then buzzed the apartment.

"Yello." A voice said through the intercom.

"It's Puth. I am here with a friend. Is that cool?"

Ouch, Shawn thought to himself; however, what was he expecting to be called at this point. He almost gave into phone sex on night number one, why would this be any different.

"Of course, bro. Come on up." He said then the buzzer rang indicating that the door was now open.

"Are you sure this is alright?" Shawn asked as they headed to the elevator.

Charlie stood close to him. "Stop worrying so much."

Shawn felt his cheeks begin to warm. He really had lost control.

The elevator doors opened and there was an elderly woman with a few shopping bags and her walker.

"Morning, mam." Charlie said politely.

Did he have to talk to everyone? Was there some sort of daily quota he was trying to meet?

"Good morning, angels."

Charlie turned to Shawn and smiled adoringly.

Shawn shook his head with a big smile on his face.

Charlie noticed that she was heading to a lower floor.

Once the doors opened to her floor, Charlie turned to Shawn and said, "Hold the door for me."

Shawn nodded.

"Let me help you, mam."

"Oh no, sweetie. You stay with your little friend."

"I insist." Charlie said then grabbed the bags and waited for her to exit the elevator.

Shawn stood with his back to the elevator door to keep it open. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back. "He drops twenties to street performers and helps old ladies carry their bags." He whispered to himself.

He opened his eyes when he heard Charlie saying goodbye to the woman and approaching the elevator.

"Thanks, sexy." He said with a wink.

He is also, a charmer and a flirt and...

His thoughts were interrupted by Charlie standing before him and using his body to push Shawn against the elevator wall.

Shawn swallowed hard. If this was his intention, he wished this building had a hell of a lot more floors.

Charlie gently placed a soft kiss on Shawn's jawline. He purposefully placed the kisses on him slowly and softly. He lightly grazed his skin with his tongue causing Shawn to gasp quietly.

"Mmm, somebody likes that." Charlie said, barely above a whisper.

"Yes." Shawn said, barely above a whisper.

Charlie slowly moved his lips towards Shawn's. His bottom lip grazed Shawn's when the elevator indicated that they were on the 15th floor and the doors were about to open.

"Fuck." Charlie groaned in frustration. He then moved his mouth to Shawn's ear. "Next time, we take the stairs." He said then grabbed Shawn's hand and guided him out of the elevator.

Did he think he was going to run away? Who was he fooling? Every time Charlie touched him, he was okay with fact...he could not wait until it happened again. Trouble, Trouble and trouble.

Charlie knocked on the door to his friend's apartment and was told to come in.

Shawn could not believe how this man had turned his living room into some sort of studio/rehearsal space. It was amazing, Shawn thought to himself.

"Puth. Come in my dude"

Charlie walked over and shook his friend's hand then bumped shoulders. "Stokes." He said then introduced Shawn.

"Pleasure to meet you." Shawn said holding out his hand.

Stokes smiled at him. "Likewise, dude." He said then glanced over at Charlie trying to make eye contact.

Charlie was sitting at the keyboard playing some chords.

Stokes motioned to the couch. "Have a seat. Make yourself at home, bro."

"Thank you." Shawn said then sat down.

Stokes went over to pretend to check on the keyboard plug, but what he really wanted was information on Shawn.  "Where did you find that one?"

Charlie smirked. "Mind your business."

Stokes chuckled then headed back over to his stool. He watched intently as Charlie and Shawn would lock eyes and smile at one another. There was a natural silent communication between them. He had not seen Charlie behave this way with anyone before. Could be the start of something new or the beginning of a nightmare. He decided his thoughts were better geared towards this new song that Charlie was writing. It was beautiful.

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