Chapter 9

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It was around 11pm when Shawn entered the tavern down the block. He smiled when he saw TJ and Pete drinking at a table in the corner.

When Shawn approached the table, Pete waved the waitress over.

"Hey, buddies."

"How was the show?" TJ asked.

"Can't complain. All went well." He said when his phone buzzed. He couldn't help but smile when he saw it was Charlie.

TJ gave Pete a knowing glance.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." Pete muttered in frustration.

"What?" Shawn asked.

"You are talking to that fucker again, aren't you?"

Shawn hated that Pete could read him like a book. He also could not stand the shame he felt for giving into Charlie again. At least it was only as a friend.

"We are just friends." He explained.

Pete shook his head. "Yeah, looks it."

"Leave him alone, Pete." TJ chimed in.

Pete leaned over to say something into TJ's ear. "Yeah, well you are not the one that is going to have to pick up the pieces when this little asshole fucks with him."

"Let's hope for the best." TJ said, trying to lighten the mood.

Pete squinted his eyes at him.

"Stop talking about me like I can't hear you." Shawn said as he continued the texting conversation with Charlie.

"He is bad news Shawn." Pete said.

Shawn put his phone down and looked at Pete. "I will be the judge of that."

"Sorry, Mendes, I love you, bro but your judgement isn't always the best."

Shawn stood up, grabbed his jacket and headed towards the door.

"Great." TJ said throwing up his arms. "You've chased him off, again."

Charlie walked in just as Shawn was approaching the door.

"Hey." Charlie said happily when he saw him.

"We are leaving."

"We are?"

Shawn grabbed his hand and pulled him out. "Yes. Come on."

TJ shook his head. "Chased him right into the hands of the enemy."

"Fuck off, Teej."

TJ simply nodded and continued to drink his beer.

Outside, Charlie let Shawn lead him down the block. "Any chance you want to tell me what's up?"

Shawn released his hand, which disappointed Charlie.

"I'm sorry. I just needed to get away from Pete. He was being his normal judgmental asshole self."

Charlie nodded and continued to walk alongside Shawn. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." Shawn said sternly.

Charlie nodded. "Ok, then. So, what do you want to do?"

"Let's just go get a drink somewhere else."

"Have a place in mind?" Charlie asked.

"Not really." Shawn replied.

Charlie smiled. "I do. Come on."

Shawn again let Charlie lead the way.

Once they arrived at the pub, the two men sat at a table near the window.

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