Chapter 62

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A few days later, Shawn and Charlie went out with friends to celebrate their announcement. They were off in a separate room of the restaurant for privacy.

Charlie had his hand on Shawn's thigh as they laughed and talked with their friends.

Charlie noticed that Shawn was checking his phone repeatedly. He could sense that something was wrong. He leaned in to talk directly into his ear. "What's wrong?"

Shawn waved it off. "Nothing. It's fine."

He leaned back again. "Is it Pete?"

Shawn nodded then excused himself from the table to go in the alcove where the bathrooms were. "I just didn't think he wouldn't show."

"How was he when you told him?"

"He actually seemed okay about it and not suspicious weird ya know? He genuinely seemed happy for me...for us."

"Why don't you call him?" Charlie suggested.

Shawn shook his head. "No. This isn't about him. Let's keep celebrating with our friends." He said with a brave face.

"Hey." Charlie said taking his hand. "I know what he means to you. Just cut him a bit of slack. I know how it feels to lose you."

Shawn pulled Charlie into a loving hug.

"Enough with the fucking PDA already. We get it." Stokes said as he approached them.

Shawn felt his phone buzz. As he checked it, Charlie and Stokes walked off to get another drink.

TJ: Few minutes away

Shawn: ***smiley face emoji***

TJ: FYI, Pete is not in a good place.

Shawn: Meaning?

TJ: Don't worry. I will handle him. He insisted on being here for you tonight.

"Shit." Shawn said to himself. He then walked over to the door and waited. A few minutes later, Pete and TJ walked in.

Shawn put on his poker face as if he had no idea that Pete was not in a good place. TJ made eye contact with Shawn and shook his head.

"Shawn!" Pete shouted and then hugged him tightly.

TJ motioned to grab him, but Shawn waved him off.

"Hiya, bud. Already hit the bottle, aye?"

Pete laughed and playfully shoved Shawn. "It's a celebration, right?" he said then stumbled and almost fell, but Shawn caught him.

"Give me some time with him."

TJ looked concerned.


TJ nodded then slowly walked away continually checking back on the situation.

Shawn held Pete's face in his hands. "It means the world to me that you came."

"You are my best pal." He said then fell into another hug with him.

Shawn walked him over to a nearby table and sat beside him. He called the waitress over and asked for a coffee.

Pete leaned in close to Shawn's face. "You didn't think I was gonna come."

Shawn didn't know what to say.

"You think cause of the crazy idea everybody has about me being in love with you."

Shawn's eyes started to tear. He hated that he was the reason his friend was in pain. "Peter."

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