Chapter 10

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When he pulled away Charlie looked at him in shock, but also desire. He really needed to not fuck this up...again.


Shawn looked upset. "That's all you can say?!"

Charlie held his face. "I'm sorry. I just don't want to fuck this up again."

"Take me home please."

Charlie wanted to fight and argue, but he was pretty good at fucking this up with this man so far. Even though it was painful, he nodded. "I can do that." He said then pulled out his phone to call for a car.

Shawn rested his cheek on Charlie's shoulder as he made the call.

While they waited, Charlie played with Shawn's hair. "My mom always does that."

Charlie smiled. " that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Shawn chuckled. "Well, it feels good."


"Does your mom do anything comforting like this?"

"She died."

Shawn sat up. "I'm sorry."

Charlie waved it off. "It's cool."

Just then the car pulled up.

"Let's go, Mendes."

Shawn felt like such an insensitive jerk for asking that question.

Once they were both in the car, Shawn gave the driver his address.

Charlie was texting on his phone at the time.

Shawn got the feeling that Charlie was trying to keep his distance as per usual. Maybe it was the alcohol, but Shawn wanted to push the limit a bit.

He proceeded to rest his chin on Charlie's shoulder.

"Hey, there drunkie."

"You smell good."

Charlie smiled. "Well, thank you. You are not so bad yourself."

Shawn then placed a gentle kiss on Charlie's neck. "Mmm, you taste good too."

Charlie turned his head so he could look into his eyes. "What are you doing?"

Shawn smirked. "Complimenting you."

Charlie raised an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

Shawn leaned in closer. "Is there something else you would like for me to do?" he said seductively.

"Be careful." Charlie said as sort of a warning.

Shawn ignored the warning and leaned back in to gently suck on Charlie's earlobe. The moan that escaped Charlie's mouth triggered him to run his hand down his chest.

Charlie grabbed his wrist right before his hand could reach between his legs. "Shawn." He said sternly. "Think about what you are doing."

"Oh, I am." he said then leaned in to whisper in his ear. "I have thought about it quite often."

Charlie was losing his strength. He moved Shawn's hand away. "You aren't thinking straight."

"No kidding." Shawn joking said then tried to slide closer.

Charlie couldn't help but laugh at the pun. "Cute, but that is not what I mean."

"I'm a big boy, Puth. I know what I am doing."

Charlie didn't respond. He just stared at the window.

Shawn frowned. "You don't want me?"

Charlie turned to face him. "Don't pull that crap with me." He said then slid over to him and placed his right hand around his inner thigh causing Shawn to gasp. "You know very well I want every inch of you." He said then began to massage his inner thigh.

Just then the car pulled up in front of Shawn's apartment.

Charlie released him to Shawn's disappointment.

"Go sober up, Mendes."

Shawn frowned. "You aren't going to walk me to my door?"

Charlie shook his head then turned to the driver, "Be right back."

Charlie got out and walked with Shawn up to the building door. "You are very demanding, Mendes."

He smirked. "You aren't going to walk me to my apartment door?"

Charlie looked into his eyes for a bit and then waved the cab off. "We are saying goodnight at the door, got it?"

Shawn slowly nodded.

When they got to the door, Shawn faced him. "You aren't going to..."

He was interrupted by Charlie kissing him forcefully.

When he pulled away, they both looked at one another in lust. "Open the door, Mendes."

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