Chapter 31

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Charlie spun around to face him. "Please, Shawn?"

Shawn nodded then twirled his finger in a circle.

Charlie smiled then turned onto his back and opened his arm to Shawn. "Get in here ya crazy snuggler."

Shawn happily cuddled up to Charlie resting his cheek on the top of his chest and his hand around his waist. "Mmmm, I could fall asleep like this."

"Babe, you will. You always do."

Shawn lifted his head up and rested his chin on Charlie's shoulder. "Why do you hate cuddling so much?"

"I don't' hate it per say."

"Then why do you give me a hard time about it?"

Charlie shifted his gaze to Shawn then back up at the ceiling. "I just don't need it, I guess. Plus, I have had bad experiences with snuggling as a smoke screen for clinginess."

Shawn opened his mouth to speak, but Charlie beat him to it. "And before you ask me if you are too you are not. I said 'in the past'."

Shawn put his head back down onto Charlie's chest. "I suppose I am pretty predictable huh?"

"Yes, you are."


"Again, assuming what I mean." Charlie said.

"Well, nobody wants to be predictable and boring. are like Mr. Spontaneous."

"Exactly." he responded. "You are perfect the way you are. I love that you are predictable, steady and stable."

Shawn lifted his head again. He appeared to be so distraught over being described in this way. "Those adjectives sound horrible."

"Not to me."

"Great. I am some dependable stable boy."

Charlie moaned. "Oooo save that one for when we get back to LA."

Shawn couldn't help but blush, although he was still hurt by how Charlie described him.

"Before you start making those heartbreaking faces, Mendes, you should know that I think you are spontaneous in other ways."

He was very hopeful with this. He turned onto his side so he could face Charlie. "How so?"

"When you show that you care about someone. You have thrown me out of whack many times with your loyalty, trust and simple words."

Shawn caressed Charlie's cheek. "So, do you believe me when I tell you how much I care for you?"

Charlie turned away. "Can we not go there?"

"Charlie." Shawn said sternly. "I mean, what more can I do to show you how much I lo...." He caught himself and stopped.

Charlie turned onto his side facing away from Shawn. "I'm tired. Can we sleep now?"

The wall was up again. "Okay. Sweet dreams." Shawn said then softly kissed Charlie's shoulder.

Charlie could not sleep. He had his eyes open for so long, he had already adjusted to the darkness.

"That's it. We are out of food. We are going to have to go steal again." Stokes said and threw an empty can against the wall. "Fuck!"

"No!" Charlie said in fear. "Last time you were arrested and gone for days! Please don't do that to me again."

"Kid, I dunno what else to do. The music isn't giving us enough right now."

"Let me try one more time, okay?"

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