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Once they stepped in, Charlie kicked the door closed and resumed kissing him.

In between the kiss, Shawn asked, "Don't you want a tour?"

Charlie smiled into the kiss. "A tour of your body. Now take this off." He demanded.

Shawn pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it aside.

"Holy Fuck." Charlie said, as he stared in awe of Shawn's chiseled and defined chest.

An impish smile spread across Shawn's face as Charlie checked him out.

"How is the tour so far?" he teased.

Charlie pulled him close. "I want more."

Shawn then pulled him over to the couch. He pushed him into a seated position.

Shawn then knelt before him and resumed kissing him.

Charlie held his face and sat up so he could kiss him harder. Shawn moaned into the kiss then tugged at his jacket. "Take this off."

Shawn helped him take his jacket off then placed his hands on his thighs.

As he slid his hands up Charlie's thighs, he leaned into his ear. "I want to make you feel good." he said seductively then helped Charlie take his shirt off.

It was Shawn's turn to admire his chest. It was definitely not as defined as his, but it was toned. Shawn then pushed him so his back was resting against the couch. Shawn groaned as he ran his palms up and down Charlie's chest.

Without hesitation, Shawn leaned in and began kissing down his chest.

Charlie moaned and ran his fingers through Shawn's hair. As his lips got closer to the belt on his pants, he playfully tugged at his hair.

Shawn then began to fumble with Charlie's belt.

"Oh shit, yeah." Charlie said in anticipation of what was about to happen.

Suddenly, Shawn paused.

Charlie looked down to check on the situation.

"I'm sorry." Shawn said then covered his mouth. He looked up at Charlie looking a bit pale. "This is in no way a commentary on you or what I was about to do." He said then stood up and ran into the bathroom practically tripping along the way.

Charlie sat up when seconds later, he heard Shawn vomiting from the bathroom.

Without thinking, he quickly stood up, fixed his belt then jogged into the bathroom.

"Awww baby, I'm sorry." He said, offering some comfort.

Shawn coughed then vomited a bit more. "Go away. No one should have to.....ugh."

Charlie ignored the warning then knelt alongside of him at the toilet bowl.

"Oh god, this is so not sexy." Shawn said then vomited again.

Charlie took his hand and gently rubbed Shawn's back in comfort. "Just relax, baby."

Shawn decided not to fight it. It actually was comforting having someone there for you during this type of ordeal. It was usually Pete, which was far less embarrassing then the man he wanted to be intimate with.

A few minutes later, Shawn began to settle down and seemed to be able to take a break.

Charlie jumped up and grabbed a dixie cup from the sink and filled it with some water.

Shawn sat back and leaned his head back against the wall.

Charlie sat beside him and offered the cup of water. "Drink this, okay."

Shawn took the cup and sipped it gently. "Thank you."

"Feeling a bit better?" Charlie asked, genuinely concerned for his well-being.

Shawn nodded then took another sip of water.

Charlie then placed his hand on Shawn's forearm and rubbed it back and forth. "You should go lay down. Come on."

Shawn didn't argue. He let Charlie help him up and lead him towards the bedroom.

As Charlie turned down the covers for him, Shawn unbuckled his belt and unzipped his tight jeans.

Charlie couldn't help but pay close attention. He felt a jolt of excitement as Shawn stepped out of his jeans and was only in black boxer briefs.

"Shit." He whispered to himself. "Control yourself, Puth." he said to himself quietly.

Shawn collapsed onto his pillow in the fetal position.

Charlie quickly covered him before he jumped right in there with him. "Get some rest, okay? I can show myself out."

Shawn groaned. "You aren't going to stay with me?"

Son of a bitch, Charlie thought to himself.

"You should rest."

Shawn reached his hand out. "Charlie, plllllease stay with me until I fall asleep?"

"Okay." He said finally giving in. He then kicked off his shoes and crawled under covers beside him. "I'm here, now get some sleep."

Shawn slid closer and put his arm around Charlie's waist. "Can you hold me, please?"

Charlie felt a bit uncomfortable, but was unable to resist how adorable he was in this state. "You are quite demanding, Mr. Mendes."

Shawn ignored the comment and snuggled up to Charlie's lower chest his face was almost on his crotch, which did not make anything easier. He decided the best thing to do was slide down a bit so Shawn's face would be on his chest and not his crotch.

Charlie smiled at Shawn's quiet little tired moans. A few times, he whispered his name, which threw him for a loop. Perhaps he was getting too attached? He thought to himself.

I am leaving as soon as he falls asleep, he said to himself. The first snore, I am out!

About a half an hour later, he was clearly dosed off, but there was Charlie, running his fingers through Shawn's hair and gently tracing his arm with his fingertips.

A while later, he must have dosed off because his cheek was resting on the top of Shawn's head. This was more intimate then he has intended. He slowly started to slide away when Shawn groaned and held him tighter. "Please, Charlie. Don't go."

Charlie leaned his head back and closed his eyes. This was not good, he thought to himself.

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