Chapter 13

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After the performance, the two decided to go for a walk.

"Are you sure Stokes is okay with me leaving my guitar at his place?" Shawn asked, clearly worried.

"I told you it is totally cool." Charlie reassured him.

Shawn nodded not looking too convinced.

Charlie chuckled. "Awww, you have pair bonded with your instrument. That is adorable, Mendes."

Shawn playfully shoved him as the two men walked through the neighborhood. "I just want to make sure it is safe."

"Was it your first?" Charlie asked, genuinely interested.

Shawn nodded. "Yeah. I wrote my first song with that guitar."

"Maybe I can hear it sometime."

Shawn stopped walking. "What you did today really meant a lot."

Charlie nodded.

"Why'd you do it?"

"Are you serious?"

Shawn nodded.

"Honestly, you are so talented. The world should hear your voice."

Shawn blushed. "The world, really?"

Charlie stepped closer to him. "Absolutely."

They both continued to walk when Shawn's phone buzzed.

"Hang on, it's my sister." He said then answered. "Hey, A, what's up kiddo?"

Charlie just continued to walk alongside of him and listen to a one-sided conversation. It was nice to learn that Shawn had a sister, he thought to himself. Seems as though he is older from the 'kiddo' reference, he thought to himself.

"Tell mom I will call her later. I may have to work right up until x-mas eve." He explained. "Of course I want to see your performance. I know. I know. Okay. Love you kiddo. Bye."

"Everything okay?" Charlie asked.

Shawn nodded. "My sister is in a holiday concert and has a solo. I may not be able to make it home in time." He said sadly.

"That sucks."

Shawn nodded. "I don't want to disappoint anyone."

"Is she your only sibling?"


"What is her name?"


"Beautiful name."

"Do you have any siblings?"

Charlie seemed to get lost in thought for a moment.


He snapped out of it. "Well, not exactly."

Shawn opened his mouth to ask something, but Charlie quickly chimed in. "Hey, want to go somewhere really cool?"

Shawn sighed. "Sure."

Charlie grabbed his hand, which sent chills all over his body as with any touch from him.

After a few blocks, they ended up in front of Stoke's building. "I've been here already you know."

"I know that, wise ass." Charlie said then used his key to enter the building. "I am going to show you a very cool spot. I actually wrote some songs here."

Shawn was intrigued.

They headed towards the elevator.

As they waited for the doors to open, Charlie teased Shawn's hand with his fingertips.

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