Chapter 72

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Shawn pulled up a chair beside the bed and took Pete's hand in his.

Pete began to stir a bit.

"It's okay. Shhhh."

Pete started to open his eyes. "Ugh." he groaned.

"You're okay."


"I'm here."

Pete's eyes fluttered open. "Where am I?"

"You are in the hospital but you are okay."

Pete looked around the room feeling disoriented.

Shawn pulled his chair closer and caressed his hand. "Why'd you do it, Peter?"

Pete closed his eyes. "Shawn don't. I am so ashamed."

"What can I do to help?"

"Nothing. I am just fucked up and I feel incredibly guilty for bringing you along for the ride."

Shawn smiled. "I got in the car willingly."

Pete squeezed his hand. "Where is Charlie? I want to apologize."

"He is outside, but don't worry about that. There is actually something else I want to talk to you about."

Pete just watched him closely.

"Have you thought about...maybe...talking to someone about all of this?"

Pete groaned. "A shrink? Oh come on, Shawnie"

"Please, can you at least consider it?"

Pete looked uncomfortable and agitated. "I just made a mistake, okay?"

Shawn became teary-eyed. "I want my friend back."

"I am fine, Shawn. Please can we forget this and..."

"Forget this?!" He said in anger then stood up. "Are you serious right now? I can't forget it! You won't let me forget it! You haven't figured out how to deal with issues so THIS is how you cope!"

Charlie heard Shawn shouting and quickly entered the room to try and cool things down.

"You almost DIED! I almost lost you!"

Charlie hugged Shawn from behind. "Relax, baby."

"You need to figure out how you feel about yourself because it won't matter how much TJ and I fucking love you if you don't love yourself!"

Pete looked away with tears in his eyes.

Charlie turned Shawn around so he could try to talk him down. "Hey, it's okay. He needed to hear that, but you need to breathe a bit, okay."

Shawn nodded.

"Let's get you some water." He said then stepped out with him.

"Christ, what happened?! Shawn, you said he was okay!" TJ shouted as he met them in the hallway.

Charlie waved him off. "He is fine. Shawn just had a difficult talk with him."

TJ rubbed Shawn's arm in comfort. "I know what it feels like, but we are not helping him by enabling him."

Charlie nodded in agreement.

"It's my turn." TJ said then headed in the room.

Pete did a double take when he saw TJ standing in the room.

"Are you okay?"

Pete nodded. "I didn't think you would come."

TJ shook his head. "There lies the problem. If you thought for one second I wouldn't be here then you really are lost." He said then sat beside him in the chair. "You are my best friend in the entire world and I love you."

"I'm sorry for...everything."

TJ caressed his face and smiled at him. "Have you thought about getting help?"

"Fuck, did Shawn put you up to this?"

TJ's eyes welled up with tears. "No, sweetie. I want to know if you are going to get help."

"I don't need help."

TJ swallowed hard then said, "Well, I came here to tell you that I can't do this anymore."

"I know. You made that very clear when you broke up with me."

TJ forced a smile. "No, this...our friendship. I need to...go."

Pete looked horrified, TJ could barely stand it.

"What?" Pete said, lips trembling.

"I gotta go." He said then stood up, but Pete grabbed his wrist.

"Teej, please. I can't lose you."

He angrily pulled his arm out of Pete's grasp. "I almost lost YOU!"

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"Sorry isn't good enough anymore. I love you too damn much to see you destroy yourself this way."

"Teej, please come here."

TJ sat on the edge of the bed and Pete painfully sat up. "What are you doing? You are going to hurt yourself."

Pete hugged him. "I really am sorry." He said then made sure to cup Tj's face in his hand and kiss his cheek softly.

Tj closed his eyes. "Peter, stop."

Pete placed a few more soft kisses across his face and onto his lips.

TJ instinctively kissed him back, but then pushed himself away. "No, Pete! Not this time." He said as tears fell down his cheeks. "I gotta...go."

"Teej!" He cried out the slammed himself back onto the bed.

A few moments later the door opened and Pete's eyes widened hoping it was TJ having seconds thoughts.

Pete sighed.

"Sorry to disappoint. Mind if we have one of our famous chats?" Charlie asked.

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