Chapter 30

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When they returned to the house, Shawn found his parents in the den watching a movie.

"Hey." Shawn said happily.

"Did you drive to the North Pole and back?" Manuel asked.

Karen nudged him. "Manny, leave them alone." She said then stood up. "How about I make some tea?"

Shawn turned to Charlie. "How about it?"

Charlie nodded.

"Hey, kid. Come here." Manuel said.

"Shawn, dear, can you help me with something?" his mother called from the kitchen.

Charlie smiled at Shawn. "I'll be fine."

Shawn nodded then widened his eyes at his father. His father chuckled in response.

"Hey, mom. How can I help?"

She sat on the stool and pulled him close. "So, what is going on with you two?"

Shawn blushed then checked to make sure Charlie was not entering the kitchen. "We are good."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, nothing is official, but we agreed to give...whatever this thing is...a chance."

Karen looked concerned. "Is that what you want, sweetie?"

Shawn could not hide his true feelings from his mother. "Well, not exactly."

She nodded. "Have you told him, love?"

"He is...complex."

In the den, Charlie was sitting beside Shawn's father engaged in answering a serious of interrogating questions.

"How did you and Shawn meet again?"

"It was an open-mic night at this pub in LA."

He nodded. "So, he tells us you play keys."

Charlie nodded. "Do you play an instrument, sir?"

He nodded then stood up and walked over to the acoustic guitar that was sitting on a stand near the fireplace.

"I had no idea you played. I assumed that was Shawn's guitar."

Manuel sat on the coffee table facing Charlie, who was seated on the couch. "Before I came to this country, I was in a trio with two other fellas. That is how Karen and I met."

Charlie smiled. "That is sweet."

He nodded then played a few chords and Charlie had a displeased look on his face.

Manuel chuckled. "Needs to be tuned, clearly." He said then glanced around. "I always lose my tuner."

"I can do it, sir."

"By ear?"

Charlie nodded. "Yes, sir."

Manuel had to hear it for himself. "Tente." He said then handed Charlie the guitar. "Boa Sorte."

Charlie had no idea what he was saying, but knew damn well he could tune a guitar with his pitch perfect ear.

Manuel watched in awe as Charlie tuned each string just by ear. "Passo perfeito. I see."

Charlie smiled then handed the guitar back to Mr. Mendes.

Manuel took it and played those same chords. "Now that is better."

Back in the kitchen, Karen and Shawn were talking and catching up while they waited for the tea kettle to whistle.

"Mom, this is kind of awkward, but where should Charlie sleep tonight?"

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