Chapter 56

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"Charlie." Shawn whined in the middle of the night. "Charlie."

Charlie's eyes began to flutter open. "You okay?"

"I need to pee."

Charlie rolled to the other side and got off the bed. He headed over to Shawn's side of the bed and picked up the plastic bottle.

"I can walk to the bathroom."

Charlie turned the lamp on. "You will do no such thing. Doc says you shouldn't be walking around until your headaches stop."

Shawn sighed in defeat.

Charlie reached toward Shawn's crotch and unbuttoned the front of his pajama bottom. He positioned the bottle and waited for Shawn to do what he needed to do.

"There goes the romance."

"Stop that. I get to see your dick and touch it. There is plenty of romance."

Shawn shook his head. "You are just being kind."

"You are being ridiculous, Mendes." He said then walked the bottle into the bathroom.

When he returned, he snuggled back up to Shawn. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?"

"It wasn't good."

Charlie placed a few kisses on Shawn's shoulder. His hand then rested on Shawn's chest.

Shawn turned and smiled at him. "I can't imagine going through this without you, Charlie."

Charlie blushed and internally reflected on the events of this accident. Now was as good a time as any to pick Shawn's brain a bit. It would be very easy for Charlie to pretend like it never happened, but then what would he have learned from the experience? Nothing.

He decided to bite the bullet. He owed it to Shawn, his mother and himself.

"I can't imagine what I would have done if something had happened to you."

Shawn smiled. "I can tell you what that would have looked like. I would have haunted your ass for quite some time."

Charlie did not laugh because he knew he'd lose his nerve if he did.

Shawn's smile faded. "Okay, serious Charlie is out." He said then turned his body a bit so he could face him. He winced in pain, causing Charlie to have a worried expression on his face. "Don't look at me like that. I am fine. Okay?"

Charlie nodded.

Shawn knew better then to push him to talk. Instead, he simply smiled at him hoping he would open up eventually.


"Yes, babe."

Charlie appeared vulnerable in this moment. "Um...what exactly do you remember about...the accident?"

Shawn thought for a few moments and then said, "It is sort of a blur. When I close my eyes, I remember bits and pieces, but it is pretty jumbled."

"Oh." was his only reply.

"Why do you ask?"

Charlie shrugged.

"I feel like that was not the answer you wanted." He said sounding disappointed in himself. "Should I have remembered something?"

Charlie forced a smile. "It isn't your fault."

"I remember you on the phone calling 911. I think I remember a few moments in the helicopter...I think" he said then winced in pain.

Charlie caressed Shawn's jawline with his finger. "Shhhh, please don't try to remember and agitate your brain."

They were silent for a bit then Shawn realized something. "Oh, I do remember something when I was unconscious in the hospital."

Charlie couldn't deny that he felt disappointed that Shawn had not recalled his confession of love. He would now have to find a way to say it again if he could.

"What is it you remember?" Charlie asked.

"A figure appeared and began to talk to me. She looked familiar, but I still can't place her."

"What did she say to you?"

Shawn appeared to be struggling to retrieve this information. "Stuff about how it is easy to see why you love me."

Charlie's heart felt like it dropped into the pit of his stomach.

"Perhaps she is my spirit guide or something. All I know is that she gave me an option to return to life or...move on."

Charlie looked horrified. "That must have been terrifying."

"A bit." Shawn admitted. "However, I wanted to get back to you."

Charlie blushed. "I am glad you did."

Shawn leaned in and kissed Charlie's lips softly.

"So, you have no idea who this woman was?"

Shawn shook head then his eyes widened. "Oh wait. She said, 'Goober'."

Charlie looked as though he had just seen a ghost. "Wh...what?"

"All she said was, Goober. Not sure what that means." He admitted.

Charlie swallowed hard.

"What is it?" Shawn asked, truly concerned.

"My mom used to call me that."

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