Chapter 17

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Shawn did not hear from Charlie in 3 days. Pete and TJ kept encouraging him to wait it out. They said things like, 'He should come to you' and 'He owes you an apology. All Shawn felt was sad and empty.

He decided to call his sister. Even though she was younger, he could tell her anything.

"He did something to me Ali."

"Like what?" she asked.

"Like...he lit a flame or a spark. I mean, I never thought I could come out of my shell like I have." He explained passionately.

"Shawnie, it sounds wonderful, but it also sounds unstable."

He knew she was right. "I can't wait for Christmas in a few weeks. I miss you all so much."

"We miss you too big bro."

"Tell mom I said hi and I will call her later."

"Okay, bye bro."

"Bye Ali."

After he ended the call, he grabbed his guitar and plopped down on the sofa. He fumbled around with a song he had started to write about Charlie. For the first time ever, he could NOT imagine anyone singing this song, but him. The ironic part was that, even though the song was about pain that Charlie had caused him, it was only because of Charlie, he had the courage to possibly sing his song in front of people.

There was only one person that he knew could help in with this and that was Stokes.

Shawn> Any chance the studio is open?

Stokes> Dude, it is always open. What's up?

Shawn> Looking to record my song; however,...

Stokes> Bro, I know things are off between you two.

Shawn was surprised.

Shawn> He talks about it with you?

Stokes> Absolutely not. I just know him very well.

Shawn> Is there an optimal time to do this without...running into him?

Stokes> Today is the perfect day. Come over anytime.

Shawn was relieved that he would not have to worry about Charlie's presence; however, it made him question why Stokes knew he would not be around today. What was so special about today?

"See, you just can't freakin' let things go with him." He said to himself then stood up so he could get ready.

Before he left the apartment, he stared at his phone. His curiosity got the better of him. He decided to call him. He was pretty sure Charlie would not pick up. If he did, Shawn had no idea what he was going to say.

To his relief, the call went to voicemail. He decided to not leave a message.

As he exited his building, he felt his phone buzz. His heart skipped a beat when he saw a new message from Charlie.

Charlie> Sorry I couldn't pick up. It is so great to hear from you.

Shawn couldn't help himself.

Shawn> Do you want to call me when you are finished doing whatever you are doing?

Charlie> Um, I can't today, but I can text with you here and there.

Shawn was feeling frustrated with him again.

Shawn> What are you doing that is so important?

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