Chapter 68

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Author's note: I put this video together to create a nice visual for this part of the story. It is also not the last chapter even though it may feel that way. Enjoy!

Shawn was pacing backstage waiting to go on stage before the sold-out crowd. He felt like he was going to pass out.

"Mendes, you okay?" his drummer asked.

Shawn waved him off and then began twisting the ring on his finger in an effort to calm himself. What would Charlie say to you right now, he thought to himself. He laughed to himself thinking it would probably be something sarcastic.

Just then he felt a vibration on his leg. Quickly, he pulled out his phone and glanced at it.

"This will never get old." He said after accepting the call.

"Awww and here I thought you were going to tell me to stop being so damn clingy." He said with a chuckle.

"No. I am about to go on so naturally...well, you know."

"What am I going to say to you?"

Shawn smiled. "You are Shawn fucking Mendes." He said sweetly.

"You're GOD DAMN right."

Shawn laughed touching Charlie's heart. "You are so special. Do you hear me?"

"I can't with the crowd and all."

"You fucker."

Shawn laughed again. "I wish you were here."

"I am."

Shawn smiled. "I know, but I mean in the flesh."

"Well, about that I..."

"Shawn, let's go!" one of the stage crew members shouted.

"I have to go. I love you!"

"I love you! Who are you again?!"

"Shawn fucking Mendes!" he shouted into the phone then hung up.

Charlie ended the call, then looked up at the monitor backstage and watched Shawn take the stage. He could not believe how he actually made it to this point without him finding out. Not only did he get himself here, but the Mendes clan was in the VIP section off to the side.


He turned and saw one of the stage crew members ready to work with him to make this a concert that Shawn, his family, friends and fans would never forget. "I'm ready." He said then followed the crew member.

During the performance of the song, "In My Blood.", Charlie was pacing down below.

"Step onto the platform." A crew member said.

Charlie nodded and did as he was told. Once Shawn was down by the edge of the stage, Charlie was going to come up from the stage floor near the keyboard. All of this planning and preparation came down to this moment. He took a few deeps breaths and tried to take his own advice. You are Charlie fucking Puth, he said to himself with a laugh.

On stage, Shawn was doing his usual ritual of asking the crowd to sing along. Little did he know that the crowd had been instructed to turn the tables on him once they received the signal.

When he asked for their help in singing the next song, the crowd lit up with phones and started singing "See You Again."

Shawn smiled at how adorable they were. He was so lucky that he had fans that supported his relationship with Charlie. He wondered if this sort of thing would become a ritual. He didn't mind though because it kept his fans connected with Charlie. The bad part was, it just made him miss Charlie even more. He felt an ache in his chest, but he was holding it together for the fans. It was sweet what they were doing for them.

Thinking that was the end of it, Shawn prepared to say thank you, but they started singing 'I Can't Help Falling In Love With You'. His heart began to race and it felt as though it had just dropped into the pit of his stomach when he heard Charlie's voice singing with the crowd.

When he turned, he saw Charlie at the piano with his band.

"You, dirty little sneak." He said to himself away from the microphone so nobody else would hear.

Just then they started singing 'One Call Away.'

Shawn could not hide the emotion on his face. This was the most incredible, romantic moment of his life and it was with Charlie, the man he loved.

He didn't think it could get any more special and then it happened, Charlie began to play, "In My Blood' and sing along to the crowd. Shawn was overwhelmed with emotion. If he had to sing right now, he wasn't sure he could do it. He jogged down the stage to get closer to where Charlie was singing. He could not wait to hold him in his arms.

"It isn't in my blood." Charlie sang sweetly then opened his arms to Shawn and the two men embraced.

No words were exchanged in this was just the two of them holding each other to the sound of thousands of voices screaming and cheering for them.

Charlie then stepped back and took Shawn's hand in his. The crowd quieted down immensely wanting to hear what Charlie was going to say to him.

"Let me proudly say that I love you and I will take care of you for the rest of my life."

The crowd was louder than they had ever heard them at either one of their concerts.

Charlie then got down on one knee still holding Shawn's hand in his. Shawn was blushing uncontrollably. He wasn't sure how he was still standing at this point. Charlie then nodded towards the side of the crowd.

Shawn looked over his shoulder and his eyes filled with tears seeing his family there. They had been there the entire time and he had no idea. He then turned back to Charlie and shook his head, eyes filled with tears. He mouthed the words, I love you."

Charlie pulled Shawn's hand closer and removed the band of gold from his middle finger.

Charlie smiled and held it up to him and asked, "Will you marry me?"

Shawn nodded quickly and shouted. "Yes!"

Charlie stood up and slipped the ring onto the finger it was destined to be on...his ring finger.

The two men then kissed to the sound of even louder roaring fans.

Charlie then stepped away and waved at the crowed.

Shawn jogged after him and the crowd said, Awww.

"Where are you going?" Shawn said into his ear.

"I'm going to go watch the rest of the show."

Shawn ran his fingers through his hair. "The rest of the fuck am I going to finish this show now?"

Charlie pulled him off to the side where nobody could see. "The same way you would have normally. I want to go sit with my soon to be family and watch my fiancé blow the roof of this place."

Shawn held his face and kissed him. "How did you do this?"

Charlie snickered. "I'm Charlie FUCKING Puth." He teased.

Shawn smiled widely. "Yes, you fucking are."

Just then the fans began to chant for him.

"They are waiting for you." Charlie said then stepped to walk away, but Shawn grabbed his hand.

"Wait, what about the island tour? Are you staying the night? You can't propose and run... is that what you are doing?"

Charlie stepped closer to him. "Sweetie. I made that stuff up so I could surprise you. There is an island tour, but it isn't for another month. You and are going to spend some time together."

Shawn pulled him close and held onto him.

"Now, you go end this tour like I know you can and I will do things to you you know I can." He said with a wink.


"Get out there." Charlie said then spanked him and ran away.

Shawn took a deep breath then began playing the intro to 'Holding Me Back', which caused the crowd to erupt in screams and cheers again.

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