Chapter 75

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When they arrived back home, Charlie waited for Shawn to initiate conversation. It seemed like Shawn needed time for this to sink in.

Charlie didn't ask and just started making tea.

Shawn headed into the kitchen to join Charlie.

Charlie smiled knowing that Shawn needed him. Charlie slid the box of tea options towards him.

"He shouldn't be alone in a new place."

Charlie simply listened.

Shawn abruptly stood up. "I am gonna go and see if he needs help settling in."

It was time to engage. "Shawn."

Shawn pulled out his phone out and was about to text when Charlie caressed his cheek. "Shawn, my love."

Shawn met his gaze as tears welled up in his eyes. "I almost lost my friend."

Charlie pulled him close and held him.

Shawn relaxed into his arms and began sobbing.

Charlie rubbed his back in comfort. "I know sweetie."

Shawn abruptly broke apart from Charlie's embrace and impulsively looked at his phone again. "I am just going to call and check on him."

Charlie knew he needed to be more assertive in this moment. "Shawn. He needs this time to settle in."

"He is probably scared and alone. I can't just..."

"Yes you can." He said then gently took the phone out of Shawn's hands.


"Please give it some time."

Charlie could tell that Shawn was hearing him. He could tell that he genuinely wanted to do the right thing by his friend;however, old habits are hard to break.

"Please, Charlie?" He said holding his hand out as his eyes filled with tears.

Charlie sighed and reluctantly handed him the phone.

Shawn quickly called him.

Charlie's heart hurt as the call switched to voicemail after two rings. That meant that...

The puzzled expression on Shawn's face was devastating.

Just then Charlie's phone buzzed.

Shawn glanced at him quickly and saw Charlie's surprised expression.

He casually tried to answer via text when Shawn directly said, "Is that...him?"

Charlie felt guilty. "Shawn, listen..."

"Why is he texting you? "

Charlie shrugged even though he kind of knew why.

Shawn looked so torn. Charlie wanted to do the right thing for both his love and Pete's recovery.

"Please, Charlie?" Shawn said softly, lips trembling.

Charlie handed him his phone.

Shawn looked over the message over and over.

Pete> Charlie, please help me. If I lean on him, I will revert back. Can you tell him? I can't say no to him. I can't have him mad at me.

Just then a new message came in.

Pete> Charlie, please? I know I don't deserve your kindness.

Shawn handed the phone back to Charlie. "Thank you for letting me see that."

"Are you okay?" Charlie asked with genuine concern.

Shawn nodded as his welled up tears trickled down his cheeks. "I should have listened to you."

Charlie caressed his cheek as he stepped closer to him. "Stop that. You love your friend. Never apologize for that."

Another text came through.

Shawn nodded towards the phone. "Please let him know that I love him and I will be here when he is ready."

Charlie smiled. "Will do, my love."

Pete felt relief wash over him as he read Charlie's response. He was grateful for Shawn's love and Charlie's support.


Dr. Phillips asked again. "Peter?"

Pete snapped out of his day dream. "Sorry doc. I am here."

She smiled then leaned towards him. "Are you ready to start?"

He nodded.

"First I want to make something clear." She said then paused to emphasize what she was about to say. "This is NOT your fault."

Pete began to sob feeling a sense of relief wash
over him.

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