Chapter 74

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Shawn was pacing back and forth as Pete was being evaluated by the psychiatrist. "What if he says everything is great? What if he doesn't tell them about the other times he has thought about doing this?"

"She's a professional hun. Let's not worry until there is something to worry about. Okay?"

Shawn hugged Charlie and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you for being here."

Just then Dr. Phillips stuck her head out of the room. "Excuse me, gentlemen. Peter is asking for both of you."

"Both of us?" Shawn asked.

"Yes." She said then stepped back into the room.

Shawn looked at Charlie. "That is odd."

Charlie shrugged. "We better not keep the doctor waiting." He said then placed his hand on the small of Shawn's back to lead him towards the door.

"What did you do?"

Charlie tried to act aloof but his lips curled into a tiny smile.

"Charlie Puth."

Charlie chuckled then opened the door for him.

As Shawn walked in, Charlie playfully spanked his ass.

Dr. Phillips smiled at Pete then turned to Shawn and Charlie. "Thank you for joining us. Peter has something he would like to ask you both."

Charlie leaned in to whisper in Shawn's ear. "Is she a doctor or a lawyer?"

Shawn smiled at him.

"I've decided to check into an addiction center where I can work with Dr. Phillips and..."

Dr. Phillips held his hand and squeezed it. "It's okay, Peter."

Shawn walked over and just leaned over the bed and pressed his forehead to his. "Thank god."

Charlie could see that they needed some alone time. He walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. "Can I talk to you outside?"

She nodded then walked out with Charlie.

Shawn kissed Pete on the forehead then hugged him. "I am so proud of you."


"Shhhh, it's okay."

"No it isn't. Shawn, look at me." He said cupping his face to make sure he had his full attention. "I am so sorry I made things difficult for you."

"Don't apologize, just work on getting better. I will be there for you as much as it takes."

Pete shook his head. "No. You need to be with Charlie and plan your wedding."

Shawn looked horrified. "I am not leaving you in a rehab center alone. I love you."

Pete began to tear up as he studied Shawn's face. "God, you are a fucking angel, but no. I need to work on me without you."

Shawn began to cry. "Pete, please."

"This is a first big step for me. I need to be able to face things on my own so I can be a better friend to you and Charlie."

"You want to be...friends...with...Charlie?"

Pete nodded. "He convinced me to get treatment."

"I knew it! What did be say?"

Pete chuckled. "Maybe he will tell you sometime. I hope you know that I want to be happy for you. I need time away so I can...get over you and work on myself."

Shawn caressed Pete's face with his hand. "I am so sorry."

He smiled at Shawn. "Don't be sorry. Just be happy with him. You are already gorgeous, but when you are with's like you are glowing. I love seeing you that way. I am sorry I let my jealousy cloud my vision."

"I said stop apologizing."

Pete nodded. "Now, can you sign the papers and get out of here already?"

"What papers?"

"Oh, right. That was the point of you two coming in here. I wanted to ask if you would be my durable power of attorney for health care."

Shawn appeared shell-shocked. "Wha...what? Are you asking me to..."

Pete nodded. "Please. There is no-one else I trust. If you don't feel comfortable, I can just leave it up to the medical professionals."

"NO you will NOT. I will sign it."

Pete smiled. "Are you sure?"

Shawn nodded. "Of course I am. Who knows you better than me, hmm?"

"Nobody." He said then squeezed Shawn's hand. "Thank you."

"Why did you want Charlie in here for that?"

"Well, I didn't want there to be any secrets, plus it is a great deal of responsibility and I think he should be able to weigh-in. Does that make sense?"

Shawn smiled. "Yes and it is so thoughtful."

"Consider it an engagement gift. Charlie can pull the plug on me if needed." He joked.

Shawn shook his head. "Not funny."

"Sorry. Tried to lighten the mood. I have caused you to cry enough." He said sadly.

"I have a gift for you, as well."

Pete looked at him curiously. "Why would you give me a gift?"

"Cause I am proud of you ya jackass."

Pete chuckled. "Okay."

"You have to close your eyes though."

Pete looked skeptical.


He nodded then closed his eyes.

Shawn leaned in close to him and gently pressed his lips against his. He could feel Pete tremble under his touch.

"Shawn?" Pete whispered.

"Shhhh." He whispered in response and then continued kissing him.

He could feel Pete's hand on his shoulder, fingertips hesitant to touch him so he took his hand and lifted it towards his neck.

"Go ahead. It's okay." He whispered.

Pete gently slid his hand around Shawn's neck and held him as they kissed.

Shawn made sure not to open his mouth too much to keep the kiss innocent. 

He was so relieved that Pete was not taking advantage of this gift. Pete was actually the one that ended the kiss.

"I hope that was okay." Shawn whispered.

Pete pressed his forehead to Shawn's. "That was the most incredible gift anyone has ever given me and I don't think I deserved it."

Shawn looked at him. "I wanted to give it and it is mine to give."

"Are you going to tell Charlie?"

Shawn nodded. "Of course. No secrets, remember"

Pete smiled. "Just make sure when you tell him, you stress that it was YOUR idea."

Shawn laughed. "I promise."

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