Chapter 73

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"Before you say anything, I would like to thank you for saving my life."

Charlie nodded. "You are very welcome."

"I guess I owe you one."

Charlie waved it off then turned the chair backwards so he could straddle it. "You don't owe me anything; however, you may owe yourself something."

"Like what? I already fucked my friendship up with Shawn and my relationship with TJ. They were all I had...and now..."

Charlie said nothing and just listened. "It's never too late."

"Yes it is. I lost everything. Have you ever lost everything?"

"Yes." Charlie said matter of factly. "Father left when I was a young kid and my mother died when I was 11. Went into foster care and after all the neglect and verbal abuse, I ran away from home at 16. Lived on the streets. Didn't have two dimes to rub together."

Pete had heard something about this from Shawn, but never the entire picture. It made him look at Charlie a good way.

"I only told you all of that so you would know I am not full of shit when I say I have lost everything."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Have you ever...went to see someone...or talk to someone?"

"No, I have never."

Pete looked away, disappointed.

"I'll tell you what though."

Pete met his eyes again.

"I'll go, if you go."

Pete studied him not sure how to react. "Why...would you... do that?"

"Cause, I love my fiancé and he loves you."


"And...he deserves the best in us." He said then stood up and held out his hand to Pete. "Let's try to be better. Deal?"

Pete shook his hand but then pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you, man."

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