Chapter 16

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Shawn walked over to him and placed the coffee mug on the end table. He rubbed his thumb across Charlie's cheek. "Hey, baby."

Charlie groaned and shifted a bit.

"Charlie." Shawn said sternly.

"Mmmm, you smell good."

Shawn chuckled to himself. "Do you want to sleep here or can you make it to the bed?"

Charlie tried to put his arm around Shawn. "If it is your bed, with your sexy ass in it...I am there."

"Probably wise for you stay here. Let me get you some sheets and a pillow." He said then headed to the linen closet.

After he tucked Charlie in, he turned off the light and headed to bed.

Shawn could not sleep. Charlie was on his couch. All he wanted was to snuggle with him, but he knew that Charlie was probably still drunk.

Just then he received a text message.

Stokes> How is our boy doing?

Shawn smiled then began to respond.

Shawn> Just put him to bed on the couch. So far...he is behaving.

Stokes> Good man.

Shawn was dying to ask Stokes some questions about Charlie, but he knew it wasn't the right time.

Just then he heard Charlie vomiting in the other room. He quickly tossed his phone and ran into the other room to help.

He sat beside him on the couch and rubbed his back with his hand. Thank goodness, he had left a bucket beside the bed for him. "It's okay, babe." He said as he rubbed his back in a soothing way.

Once, he was done, Shawn ran to get him a glass of water.

When he returned, he assumed the same position by his side. "Try to drink some."

Charlie did as he was told.


Charlie nodded then looked into Shawn's eyes. "I am so sorry."

Shawn smiled warmly. "Now we are even. I puke, you puke. We help each other. That is what you do about someone."

Charlie rested his cheek on Shawn's shoulder. "You care about me?"

Shawn closed his eyes, enjoying this closeness with Charlie. "Of course, I do. Very much so."

"I care too." Charlie said, barely above a whisper.

Shawn's heart was bursting at this moment. This was the first time, he felt that Charlie was giving himself to this...whatever...they were in at the moment.

"Can I come to bed with you?" Charlie asked, sweetly.

"Of course. Come on." He said then walked with him towards the bedroom.

"Hang on." Charlie said then went into towards the bathroom. "Do you have an extra toothbrush?"

"Closet right outside the bathroom."

Charlie nodded then headed for the closet.

Shawn crawled back into bed and pulled the covers up to his chin. He couldn't stop smiling thinking of the intimate moment they had shard on the couch. He felt that, in this moment, this was going somewhere.

Charlie then climbed into bed and snuggled up to Shawn. Warmth and comfort spread throughout his entire body. He put his arm around Charlie and kissed the top of his head.

"Mmmm." Charlie moaned and held onto Shawn tighter.

It was moments like this where he felt special and needed. This was the essence of who he was as a person. He loved being there for people and taking care of them. Now it seemed as though, Charlie's walls were coming down.

"Thank you." Charlie said sweetly.

"No need to say that."

Charlie slid back so he could rest his head on the pillow and stare at Shawn's face. "How are you this perfect?"

Shawn turned onto his side so he was facing Charlie. "I am far from perfect."

Charlie moved closer. "You are a good guy, Shawn Mendes."

Shawn smiled. "You are too."

Charlie seemed to sadden after that comment. "Somehow, I believe you are mistaken."

Shawn cupped his face with his hand and rubbed his thumb across his cheek in comfort. "Don't say that. I can sense these things."

"I am damaged. Perhaps you are too perfect to see it."

"Everyone has demons."

Charlie took his hand and removed Shawn's from his face.

"You can talk to me."

Charlie snuggled back up to him, burying his face in Shawn's neck.

Shawn was afraid he was losing him. "Can I ask you a question?"

"I am too young to get married, but thank you for asking." Charlie teased.

Shawn tickled him. "You are such a shit."

Charlie chuckled into his ear, which gave him goosebumps all over.

"That song I heard you recording with Stokes...who did you write that about?"

Charlie didn't say anything at first causing Shawn to panic inside. He pushed it too far, he thought.

"My mom." He said softly.

Shawn felt a strong sense of relief and heartache for Charlie's situation. "Well, it is beautiful."

"She was too."

Shawn was afraid to ask too many questions for fear of pushing him away.

"She was my hero. Still is."

"She sounds special."

Charlie smiled. "You know, you have a similar spirit, Mendes."

Wow, Shawn thought. He is comparing me to his mother...that has got to mean something.

"I am flattered." Shawn said with a huge smile on his face. "I am so happy that you shared that with me. I hope that you will trust me to share more things and..." He stopped when he heard Charlie softly snoring.

He chuckled to himself then kissed the top of Charlie's head and pulled him closer. He fell asleep feeling happier than he had in a long time.

In the morning, Shawn slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes. It was only 8:30am. He glanced over hoping Charlie was still in his bed. He was!

Shawn felt so relieved. Perhaps it really was a breakthrough last night. He turned onto his side and spooned Charlie from behind.

Charlie sleepily moaned then began to open his eyes. He was a bit disoriented, but then remembered where he was. He shifted away a bit.

Shawn pulled him close again.

Charlie felt a bit of anxiety in this moment. He slowly tried to move away to get up.

"Hey sleepy head." Shawn said.

Charlie tried to squirm away. "I really need to get going."

Shawn could not believe this was happening. "Please stay, Charlie."

"Damit, Shawn come on." He said then sat on the edge of the bed.

Shawn sat up and rested against the headboard. "But...last night you said that..."

"I was drunk, okay? I need to go." He said then quickly put his shoes on and headed for the door.

He stopped at the door, but could not bare to turn and face him. "Thank you for taking care of me."

Shawn waited for him to leave before he allowed the tears to fall down his cheeks. And just like that, the wall was back up.

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