Chapter 76

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~3 weeks later~

Charlie smiled adoringly at Shawn as he was fumbling around with some chords as he was clearly in the process of writing a song.

Shawn was humming along with the tune and occasionally stoping to jot down lyrics.

Charlie stopped what he was doing to watch him at work. It was beautiful.

"Someone help me." He sang softly. "I'm crawling in my skin."

There was a long pause as Shawn fumbled with some chords.

Charlie felt guilty for intruding on his creative process. As he turned away, Shawn called out to him. "Baby?"

Charlie turned and walked over to him. "I'm sorry."

Shawn looked puzzled. "What for?"

"I couldn't help but watch you just before."

Shawn grinned. "You were, aye?"

Charlie blushed. "I couldn't help it."

Shawn waved him over.

Charlie sat beside him on the couch and rested his chin on Shawn's shoulder.

"I didn't know you were watching."

"Damn, I outed myself."

Shawn laughed. "You are adorable."

Charlie kissed him on the cheek and hugged him from the side. "What were you calling me for then?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted sushi for dinner."

"Mmmm, yes."

Charlie quickly grabbed his phone to begin to order it. "By the way, the song sounds good."

"You think so?"

Charlie nodded. "So good."

Shawn smiled proudly. "I am writing it for Pete."

Charlie rubbed his arm. "That is so special, hun."

Shawn played a few chords feeling proud that Charlie complimented him. He still valued his opinion more than most.

"Can I hear what you've got so far?"

Shawn looked unsure. "I dunno. It isn't done yet."

"That is okay. It helps to play it out even of it is raw."

Shawn leaned in close and kissed him. "Mmmm, raw."

Charlie laughed and smiled adoringly at his love. "Please play me some?"

Shawn took a deep breathe as he began to play and sing..

"Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't..."

"That's all I have so far."

"Wow. That is beautiful, babe."

Shawn blushed a deep shade of red.

Charlie cupped his face and kissed him passionately. The kiss became deeper and more intense as it continued.

Shawn moaned into the kiss causing Charlie to push him onto his back and press his body against his.

"Oh Charlie, make love to me."

Charlie moaned into the kiss and ran his hands up and down Shawn's body.

Soon their naked bodies were pressed against one another as Charlie was slowly pumping inside of him.

"I love you so much." Charlie passionately said to Shawn. "

Shawn dug his fingers into Charlie's back as they moved together. "I love you too, Charlie. Say it again."

Charlie smirked then moved his lips near Shawn's ear and whispered. "I love you Shawn fucking Mendes."

Shawn chuckled.

A few hours later, Shawn snuggled up to Charlie on the couch. "Mmm, baby?"

Charlie reacted by rubbing Shawn's back and kissing his forehead.

"Baby, I'm cold."

Charlie glanced around for a blanket. "I gotchu baby." He said then covered them with a throw blanket.

Once they were covered, Shawn groaned in pleasure. "Thank you my baby."

Just then Shawn's phone began to buzz.

He groaned in annoyance.

"Shawnie." Charlie whined. "Make it stop."

Shawn reached over and glanced at the caller ID. He immediately sat up when he saw that the call was coming from the rehab facility Pete was checked into. "Hello?!"

Charlie's eyes immediately opened.

"What happened!"

Charlie sat up and began to rub Shawn's back in comfort.

"Is he okay?"

Charlie could tell by Shawn's reaction that something was wrong.

"I will be right there." He said then started getting dressed.

"What happened, Shawn?"

Shawn was frantically searching for his clothing.


Shawn simply fell to his knees and sobbed. "Pete had a relapse and...and..."

Charlie held him. "Shhhhh."

"I have to get to him."

"Let's go."

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