Chapter 50

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"How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough." Shawn said then walked over to him and sat beside him on the couch.

There was a relatively long band of silence between them until Charlie finally asked, "Can you give me another chance?"

"I'm scared to."

"I understand that." Charlie empathized. "I am scared too. I am terrified that I will fuck this up for good like it seems I already have. Have I?"

Shawn thought for a moment then replied. "Maybe."

Charlie moved in closer. "Maybe? Sooooo, does that mean I still have a small window of opportunity here?"

Shawn tried to fight his lips curling into a tiny smile. "I didn't say that."

"I have an idea. Would you like to hear it?"

Shawn nodded slowly.

Charlie took Shawn's hand into his and simply caressed it as he spoke. "Can we spend a few days together, away from everyone?"

"Why?" Shawn asked with a curious expression on his face.

"I think it would be good for us to reconnect and really get to know one holding back."

Shawn thought about his idea for a bit before speaking. "Where would we do this?"

Charlie shrugged. "Not sure."

"Would there be any guidelines?"

"A few."

"Such as?"

"Well, for one...let's try to focus on the present us."

Shawn nodded. "I like that one."

"Do you have any ideas?" Charlie asked, trying to make Shawn part of the plan.

"Phones stay off."

Charlie smiled. "Done."

Shawn's eyes widened as he thought of something. "Oh, I think I have a place."


He nodded. "My cousin has a cabin up in Ontario."

"A cabin?"

He nodded.

" the woods?"

Shawn smirked and nodded.

"Have you ever seen the movie, A Cabin in the Woods?"

Shawn laughed then lounged back onto the couch. "Stop it. Besides, we can protect each other."

Charlie leaned back and joined him, they were still holding hands. "How would we do that?"

Shawn turned his head so he was facing Charlie. "Just by staying close to one another."

Charlie without even thinking about it, moved his face closer so their noses were almost touching. "That's all it takes, huh?"

Shawn slowly nodded his head then gently pressed his lips to Charlie's bottom lip and kissed it.

Charlie's lips curled into a tiny smile.

Shawn then licked Charlie's lips playfully and then pressed his lips onto Charlie's again.

"So, are we going to do this?" Charlie asked.

"Yes." Shawn said softly then kissed him again.

"Oh, wait. There is one more guideline."

Shawn looked at him curiously.

"No, sex."

Shawn's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

"I want us to reconnect and be intimate without sex."

"Are we friends? Is that what this is about?"

Charlie caressed his face. "No, Shawn. I just want to do things the right way this time."

"Why can't we just be ourselves and what happens...happens?"

Charlie thought about what Shawn had just said. "Can we compromise and at least put it on the back burner for a bit?"

"Deal." Shawn said then yawned.

"You should go to your bed." Charlie said then ran his fingers through Shawn's hair.

"Let's go." Shawn said then stood up and held out his hand to Charlie.

Charlie hesitated. "Um, do you have a pillow and a blanket I could use. I think I should sleep on the couch."

Shawn squinted his eyes at him. "Stop that. Come on. I want to snuggle with you."

It took a lot of constraint on his part to not jump at the offer to be in bed with Shawn. "Please, Shawn?"

Shawn nodded sadly then left to go get the things Charlie had requested.

Charlie took of his shoes and waited for Shawn's return.

When he returned, he brought back two sheets, a pillow and a warm blanket.

Charlie smiled as he watched Shawn make the couch into a comfy sleeping area for him. He even turned down the blanket and sheet so Charlie could slip right under the covers. "Wow, what service."

Shawn smiled then knelt alongside of him and covered Charlie. "I will miss you."

"Me too." He said then softly kissed Shawn's lips. "Goodnight, Shawnie."

"Goodnight." He said then forced himself to let go of Charlie and head up to bed.

The next morning, Charlie heard the faint sound of noise coming from the kitchen. He smiled at the smell of breakfast food aromas. His eyes began to flutter open and that is when he noticed he had fallen asleep on his belly. He also noticed his hand hanging off the bed. When he turned to look, the biggest smile spread across his face.

Shawn had made a little bed for himself on the floor next to the couch. He and Charlie had started holding hands sometime in the night. Charlie did not remember seeing or hearing Shawn come down during the night.

Charlie rested his chin on the pillow so he could just watch him sleep and occasionally glance at their held hands. He kept thinking about how uncomfortable he must be feeling. "Shawnie?" He whispered then squeezed his hand. "Shawn?"

Shawn's eyes began to flutter open. He smiled up at Charlie, his eyes still adjusting to being open.

"Come here." Charlie said, offering up part of the couch to him.

Shaw moved quickly before Charlie could change his mind.

As soon as Charlie felt Shawn's back against his chest, he felt in heaven...he felt whole and complete. He placed a few kisses on Shawn's bare shoulder. "Why would you sleep on the floor, hmm? That had to be uncomfortable."

"I wanted to be close to you." He admitted. "And truth be told...I haven't slept so well in quite a while."

"Me either." Charlie also confessed.

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