1.73 "You Think I Wanted Any Of This?!"

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Me "but you and i both know that that's a lie, Elijah. It's no secret we want Nik dead. I thought she would find a way to kill him. But Nik is not the only one she wants dead"

Elijah "She wants to kill us all, doesn't she? She wants to undo the evil she created."

I nodded" I'm so sorry, Elijah. "

Elijah raised an eyebrow "What was your doing in all this?"

Me "Elijah-"

Elijah raised his voice "Adelaide, what have you done?!"

Me "she took control over my body, Elijah, i couldn't fight back"

Elijah took a deep breath "You should've come to me sooner "

Me "You think i wanted to lie to you? You think i wanted this? i didn't want any of this to happen!"

Elijah "Adel-"

I shook my head "No, Elijah. She didn't leave me a choice! I am scared, Elijah! I'm scared for your life, Rebekah's, Kol's, Caroline's, Damon's, Stefan's! "

Elijah eyed me  "what is she holding against you?"

I looked down. 

Elijah "Adelaide, please"

I looked at him "She was going to kill Stefan if i warned you"

Elijah sighed. 

Me "i had no choice, you have to believe me"

Elijah nodded "you love him"

I nodded "I had to tell you. And that's why i came to you and not to Rebekah, or Kol, and, well, Nik was never an option"

Elijah "and why didn't you go to my siblings?"

Me " because of what we've been through together "

Elijah "still, you choose him over me "

Me "What would you have done if you were in my position, Elijah?"

Elijah clenched his jaw and speedded out of the house. 


I walked inside and my jaw droped. Elijah was standing in front of Damon and Stefan. 

I asked confused "what is going on here?"

Damon "He has Elena."

My eyes widened. 

Elijah "Actually, she's with Rebekah. As you can imagine, my sister is just dying to tear her throat out. So...if you want to save Elena's life, I need you to help me stop my mother."

Damon "I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to killing thousand year old resurrected witches, I'm a little rusty."

Elijah " Yes, unfortunately, even when killed my mother doesn't seem to want to stay dead. Not with the spirits of nature at her side."

Me "what do you want us to do?"

Damon's eyes widened "what? Adelaide! No?"

Me "for the record, i'm not doing this for Elena."

Elijah "The witches that released my mother, she's drawing her power from their bloodline, that line needs to be broken."

Stefan "Broken?"

Damon made a cutting motion with his forefinger over his neck " Yeah, he means."

Stefa nodded "You want us to kill them."

Elijah " You know I'd do it myself,but I have absolutely no idea where they are. Besides, seeing me, they'd immediately know my intent. They won't expect to be harm by the likes of you. In any case, you have until six minutes after nine to find them."

Damon  "Oh, how super specific of you."

Elijah "By 9:07, the moon will be full, my mother will have the power she needs to kill me and my family. If you do not stop her before then, Rebekah will kill Elena. So we all have our timeline? I suggest you get started."

Elijah walked out.  

Damon turned to me pissed off "what have you done?!"

I took a step back "Damon, we have things to do"

Damon "he's got Elena now"

I corrected him "Rebekah has her"

Damon raised his voice "you told him everything! You ruined everything!"

I yelled "i had no choice"

Damon yelled  "you had the choice to keep your mouth shut!"

Stefan stepped in "Damon, enough!"

Damon fixed his eyes on his brother "don't act like you care about sweet Adelaide, brother"

I sighed and walked downstairs. I opened the frezzer and grabbed a blood bag. I opened it. Damon and Stefan walked inside. 

Damon"Clock's ticking. You gonna help me brainstorm a plan or are you too busy fixing yourself a snack?"

Stefan"We need to call Bonnie. There's got to be a way for her to stop Esther from channeling all that power."

Damon" A. What if she's with Esther? B. What if she can't cut her off? C. I don't know how any of this stuff works and D. neither do you!"

Stefan "You got a better plan?"

Damon " Worst case scenario, simple mechanics. Can't draw power from a dead battery."

Me " Kill them."

Damon nodded "If it comes to that."

I sucked some blood out of the bag.

Stefan opened the freezer and grabbed a blood bag." There's got to be another way."

Damon "Well, what if I told you I had a less diabolical plan."

He held up a dagger. 

My eyes widened "you went through my stuff?!"

 Stefan "You want to dagger Elijah!"

Damon " They're all linked. One goes down, they all go down. The witches live, Elena's safe, problem solved."

Stefan " We don't know if that'll effect Klaus."

Damon "Ironically, Klaus isn't our current problem."

Stefan "The dagger is lethal to any vampire who uses it."

Damon smirked " Well, I just so happen to know someone crazy enough to give it a shot."

Now And Then - Stefan Salvatore    (currently editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum