Call me mistress

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I felt really, really dirty after writing this

knulla mig Means fuck me.

Vad sägs om ett datum först? Means how about a date first.

You were probably one of the luckiest people alive, a sniper for team overwatch one of the most elite groups out there. And more then that you were dating Mercy AKA Angela Ziegler, the medic of overwatch. You had met Angela after being shot during what was meant to be a recon mission went south.


"Hello? Dr Ziegler? I was meant to come see you because of some minor injury." You finished in a uninterested tone.

"Ah yes I heard you had some minor injury." A voice with a beautiful Swedish accent.

"Some punk got a lucky punch on me, nearly damaged my pretty face. Oh yeah and I also got shot."

"YOU WHAT?" The same voice shouted.

It was then a beautiful blond haired woman came rushing out from behind a curtain.

To say this women was gorgeous would be a understatement. Beautiful blue eyes, long silky blond hair tied up in a ponytail. You honestly felt your heart skip a beat.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Sorry I was lost in your eyes" you answered on reflex.

"dumhuvud." Angela muttered.

"Guten Morgen." you stated with a smirk.

"Germen." Angela finished.

"Actually I'm Irish." You stated.

"knulla mig." Angela sighed.

"Vad sägs om ett datum först?" You ended with a smile.

Angela turned beet red before quickly moving behind some curtains to get a few items.

Once she left you spoke into the earbud you were wearing. "Thanks for the translation Hana, so what do I owe you?"

"I'll send you a list of games and the consoles I want them for. I hope you got deep pockets." A female voice stated before the transmitter turned off.

Your phone beeped and a list of 16 games came though. "You better be worth it you little gremlin."

Flashback end

That was a year and a half ago and you couldn't have been happier. You and Angela had many intimate moments together and been on many dates. About three months into dating Angela you and her finally had sex, it was amazing simply put. But something always bugged you. Something you were currently telling Lena about."

"So how are you two doing, sex wise." Lena asked.

"Good, Great actually the sex is great, the problem is that Angela isn't really adventurous in the bedroom, we do the basic positions and that's it. I love Angela and I would never leave her, I would rather die." You finished with conviction.

"I understand completely, Emily used to be the same way, until I slipped two fingers into-"

"Lena not that I don't enjoy hearing how you use your fingers on Emily, we're talking about me here.

"Your right,sorry. Have you tried talking to her about it?"

"I don't know how too, what if she thinks I don't love her anymore, I couldn't survive if she ended it with me." You finished in sorrow.

"You know if I was Straight I would want a boyfriend like you." Lena finished with a smile.

"Your too good for guys Lena, Emily is a lucky girl. Come on, I'm feeling kinda hungry, time for a snack." You finished as you and Lena walked away.

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