Cheater omakes part 2

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So I really wanted to make a second part to this so here it is.

Weiss Schnee was in love, she had been for the last few months. She met her boyfriend [y/n] in beacon and she fell head over heels in love.


"Hey did you guys hear? There's a new student coming today." Blake Belladonna asked while walking with the rest of team Rwby.

"The better question is should we care?" Weiss asked with a huff.

"Well I hoped you would care at least." A male voice stated from behind.

Weiss turned around to see a man standing at a height of a little over six foot, he had shaggy [h/c] hair hidden under a thin hood he wore, he also had a rugged face with light stubble. He wore a black jacket with red details and black jeans with matching boots, around his neck he wore a necklace with a 50. Cal bullet attached to it.

"Im [y/n] by the way." The man stated before walking closer to Weiss. "Tell me who are you?"

"I, I'm Weiss schnee, charmed." She finished before raising her hand only for [y/n] to take her hand and kiss it.

"Weiss I know this is sudden but would you kindly acompany me to dinner tonight? Say around seven?" He asked in a soft voice.

"I'd love too."

And ever since that day Weiss and [y/n] had been a couple, even fighting grimm they had been together. After a few months Weiss had decided to introduce [y/n] to her parents. Jacques Schnee and Elise Schnee.

Weiss was currently walking around her house looking for [y/n], she was feeling quite happy because both her parents seemed to like him, she thought her father would at least have a problem with him. It was around this time that Weiss heard a noise, the best way to describe it would be a breathless moan. Weiss followed the noise until she reached the room it was coming from, slowly she opened the door to find [y/n] naked and in bed with her mother.

"[y/n], what the hell? Your sleeping with my mother?" Weiss shouted.

"Ah, Weiss, this isn't what it looks like," you finished in surprise.

"Really, because it looks like your having sex with my mother!" Weiss shouted at the top of her lungs."

"In that case it's exactly what it looks like." [y/n] finished in a deadpan voice.

"I can't believe you cheated on me with my own mother."

"To be honest I already did it with Winter." [y/n] finished in a nervous voice.

"Sweetie in [y/n]'s defense I was pretty much begging for it and Winter said he was a fantastic lover so it's my fault too." Elise finished in a innocent tone."

"Aww thanks Elise." You answered before sharing a quick kiss with her.

"What the fuck mom?" Weiss again shouted.

"How dare you speak to your mother like that?" You scolded Weiss.

"What the fuck is going on? No, you know what we're done." Weiss finished before leaving.

You and Elise sat in silence before the covers moved and Jacques sat up on your other side.

"Well, that was awkward." Jacques stated in a normal voice.

"Tell me about. Anyway," you trailed off while putting your arms around both Elise and Jacques. "Should we have a little more fun?" You asked with a smirk.

"Can't I have to go to work." Jacques stated while getting out of bed and getting dressed.

"Ok, i'll stay her and do your wife." You stated before you started kissing Elise's neck. 

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