I love you master

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Ok I'm sick as fuck today, I'll spare you the details, but I came up with this story after seeing the picture of Blake and because of my current situation.

Blake's pov

"Blake?" A tired voice called.

"Yes master." Blake answered as she reached her masters room, only to see her normally healthy master looking deathly pale.

"Master is something wrong?" Blake asked as she made her way to her masters bedside.

"I think I caught a bug that's going around." Her master spoke in a weak voice. "What appointments do I have today?" He asked in a tired tone.

"Well you have a charity breakfast for the orphans of vale." Blake answered in a soft tone.

At the mention of breakfast her master lept out of his bed and ran to his bathroom at inhuman speeds and proceeded to throw up. After a few minutes he wiped his mouth and went back to bed. "Cancel my appointment for the breakfast," Blake's master answer made her to lower her head, she grew up in the orphanage and only left when she was eighteen, nobody wanted to adopt a faunus child.
"But send them a check for 100 million." Her master spoke."

"M-master are you sure?" Blake questioned in a disbelieving tone.

"You're right make it 200." Her master finished in a low tone. "Anything else?" He asked.

"You also have a meeting with Mr Schnee, he wants to talk about you marrying one of his daughters." Blake finished in a sad tone, for the longest time she had loved her master, but she could never tell him.

"Cancel that meeting. And tell him that I want to marry out of love, not for business." He finished in a cold tone. "And Blake?" He asked in a low tone.

"Yes Master?" Blake asked with a small smile on her lips.

"Can you make me some tea?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course Master." Blake answered.

Timeskip your pov

"You make a amazing tea Blake." You spoke with a small smile.

"Anything to help you master." Blake spoke with a wide smile.

"So how are your friends Yang and Ruby?" You questioned while looking into Blake's beautiful amber eyes.

"They're great, after Yang's last fight they were able to put a down payment on an apartment, and with both their jobs they should be able to pay the rent." Blake finished with a happy smile.

"When I get better I want you to set up a meeting between me and Yang, she's a fantastic fighter and I want to sponsor her." You finished before taking a sip of tea.

"Really?, but why?" Blake asked in surprise.

"Well Yang and Ruby are your friends so I thought I would sponsor just in case they have trouble paying rent, do either of them have a car?" You question while preforming tasks on a tablet.

"Yang has a bike and Ruby is saving for a car." Blake finished while her cat ears twitched because of her masters generosity.

"I'll get her a car, after all I own [l/n] motorsports." You finished while showing Blake a picture of a red sports car [picture a 2016 subaru wrx sti].

"Why are you doing all this Blake questioned."

"Why not? it's good to help people and I have more money then I know what to do with." You finished with a gentle smile.

"You are incredible selfless master." Finished with a slight blush.

"Hey Blake could you, ahh this is kinda awkward, could you lay beside me and sing me a lullaby?" You question with a slight blush.

Blake blushed a deep scarlet red blush before realising this could be her chance to confess her feelings. "Sure I can sing you a lullaby master." Blake finished before moving beside you on the bed.

"All the time I have layed in your lie
When your love kept me safe through the night
All the time I was sure you were mine
And before time demands our goodbye
Can you sing me a last lullaby?"

"All the time I have layed in your lie
When your love kept me safe through the night
All the time I was sure you were mine
And before time demands our goodbye
Where you sing me a last lullaby?"

Blake finished barely above a whisper before she kissed you gently. A flash a fear went though as she realised what she had done. "Master I am so sorry I don't know wh.." You silenced her with a deep loving kiss which she returned almost immediately. When the need for air arose you broke the kiss and held Blake close.

"Blake for the longest time I have been in love with you, you're beautiful, smart and incredibly cute." You finished before giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Blake wrapped her arms around your neck before breaking the hug and kissing you with years of hidden passion. "I love you Master."

"For now one you call me [y/n], ok?" You stated with a bright smile.

"Of course [y/n]." Blake almost purred your name.

"Blake do wanna sleep here tonight? I'm not fully better yet so can just cuddle." You finished with a smile.

Blake just smiled and kissed your cheek. "I'd love to."

"And I love you." You finished before pulling her close.


"[Y/n] can you sing me a lullaby?" Blake asked in a cute voice.

"Of course my love." You finished before clearing you voice.

"Soft kitty, warm kitty little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,sleepy kitty purr, purr,purr."

"How was that?" You asked with a smirk.
"And that kids is how your mother gave me a black eye" you finished with a smile leaving your two faunus children incredibly confused.

The lullaby Blake sings is part of a professor green song called lullaby, it's a fantastic song you should look it up.

And the lullaby the reader sings is soft kitty warm kitty from the Big Bang theory.


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