Crimson heart

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Cinder fall story. I'll just say it power is sexy.

[y/I] your initials

Blake was on edge. Jaune had just given her a letter, he said a faunus had given it to him and paid him to deliver it to her. As she opened the letter she felt a little more calm.


Meet me at the docks tonight at 8pm, warehouse 19.


"At least he's alive." She finished with a smile before taking a match and burning the letter.

Timeskip your pov

You on the rafters in the empty warehouse waiting for Blake to show up. At two minutes past eight the door opened and closed. She had arrived.

"Ok I'm here, what do you want?" She asked while looking around for you.

You simply smirked and dropped from the rafters and landed silently, a talent only feline faunus possessed.

"Come now Blake, is that anyway to talk to your brother?" You question with a smile.

Blake simply stared at you before running and embracing you in a hug.

"[y/n], I missed you so much." Blake stated while holding you tight.

"I missed you too, little sister. How is beacon?" You questioned as Blake broke the hug.

"It's great, but it would be better if you were there." She stated in a pleading tone.

You let out a sigh before guiding Blake to a small table where two covered trays lay.

"I went out and got us some sushi." You finished while turning to see Blake's smiling face."

As you and Blake sat down and started eating you felt a tension build. Finally you decided to speak.

"A storm is coming Blake, and I don't think you're ready for it," you finished in a solemn tone.

"We could handle it better if you joined us. You can leave the White fang and join beacon." Blake stated in a pleading tone.

"I can't leave Blake." You stated in a sad tone.

"Yes you can [y/n], I left the White fang why can't you?" Blake questioned in anger.

You and Blake sat in silence for a minute, finally you found the courage to speak.

"I'm in love Blake, that's why I can't leave." You finished with a small ghost smile.

"Is she White fang?" Blake questioned with a neutral expression.

"No, she's human, but she's working with the fang." You finished in a low tone.

"Tell me about her." Blake stated with a small smile.

"She is grace in name and in essence,To those she loves She emits strength, laughter and life. She's beautiful too, gorgeous amber eyes that can send the strongest man running scared, but to me those eyes hold love. And her hair, its indescribable." You finished with a smile.

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