Why I don't update anymore

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I don't want to write this, I really don't, but I feel as though that I owe you all an apology. First of all you may have noticed that I don't post a lot anymore or that I'm not as active as I used to be and there's a reason for that. The truth is ever since highschool I've been depressed, it really got bad about 3-4 months back to the point that I was close to committing suicide, in fact I tried, but I couldn't, I dropped the knife and walked on.

But back to my main point, depression, it's like a abusive relationship, they come into your life and treat you like shit and make you feel like shit, soon enough you stop talking to friends and even family. And even if you get out of the relationship the trauma you suffered will haunt you for a long time after. That's what depression is like.

Depression sucks, that's the point I'm trying to make, it also stops you from doing anything you enjoy, hence why I don't write as much anymore.

I didn't write this to get pity, I wrote it because I feel like I owe you a explanation, you guys are awesome, seriously look though the comments on my stories, it's mostly compliments.

I again apologise for the lack of updates and I thank you for the continued support.

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