Blonde assassin

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This is a request story. Sorry if it sucks.

"Congratulations [y/n] you are a assassin." Your mentor finished in a light tone. "Now you must perform the leap of faith." He finished with a smile.

You walked past him to the tower window before leaping out and landing in a hay cart below, after leaving the cart you met with your mentor again.

"Ah [y/n] I see you survived the leap, anyway I have a mission for you. We have received word that the Templars have located the lost princess of Corona and that they plan to convince her to join their ranks." He finished in a serious tone.

"What would the Templars what with the princess?" You question in a uneasy tone.

"If they bring her back to Corona she will eventually become queen and the  Templars could use that power. You must bring her to safety." He finished in a solemn tone.

"Perhaps we should ask her to join the assassin order," you finished with a smile.

"Not a bad idea, here take a extra set of assassin robes, and take a extra hidden blade." Your mentor finished while handing you a white and gold assassin robe and a hidden blade.

"I will not fail you mentor." You finished before leaving.


You finally found the hidden tower the princess was rumoured to be locked in. After sneaking your way around you came to the conclusion that the templars hadn't arrived yet.

After climbing your way up to the tower you climbed though the window to find a well furnished room but no princess.

"Great, came all this way to find a lost princess but instead I find a empty room." You finished as you pulled down your hood to reveal your [h/c] hair and you [e/c] eyes. "Maybe the temp.." You couldn't finish as the world went black.

The next thing you remember was waking up tied to a chair with a woman threatening you with a frying pan.

"Who are you?" The woman asked in a impatient tone.

"I can't tell you that, but listen to me, your life is in danger there is a group of people called Templars coming here right now and they're dangerous, you have to believe me." You finished in a desperate voice.

Upon hearing that she was in danger the woman paled before rushing to untie you.

"Alright I untied you now help me," she finished in a pleading tone.

"Listen you're gonna be fine, I'm going to protect you." You finished in a caring voice. "Look just tie up your hair and put this on." You finished while handling her the robes. "By the way my name is [y/n][l/n]." You ended with a smile.

"I'm Rapunzel." The woman finished in a soft tone

After Rapunzel changed into the assassin robes you showed her the hidden blade.

"Why do I need this?" Rapunzel asked in a unsure tone.

"Look Rapunzel I won't lie to you. I am a assassin and we are at war the Templars and we want to recruit you." You finished in a calming tone.

"Are you a dangerous group?" Rapunzel asked in a scared tone.

"Yes but we mean you no harm. We fight for freedom and the liberty of all mankind." You finished.

"Alright I'll trust you." Rapunzel finished as you helped her attach the hidden blade.


After leaving the tower you and Rapunzel started heading towards the assassin hideout but it wasn't smooth sailing.

"Oh my god [y/n] is that thing dangerous?" Rapunzel asked as she hid behind you with her hidden blade pointed at the creature.

"Rapunzel, that's a bunny." You deadpanned in a bored voice.

"Oh, sorry," she surrendered before walking by your side again.

"Something tells me you don't get out much do you?" You questioned with a smirk.

"Actually this is the first time I've been out of the tower." Rapunzel finished with a blush.

"Really? You never just left?" You asked with a raised brow.

"Never had a reason to leave until now. But now that I'm out in the open, I never want to go back." She finished with a happy smile.

"If you join the assassin's you'll never have to," you finished with a smile.

Rapunzel then stopped walking. "Why are you trying to get me to join your order?" Rapunzel questioned.

"Look I'm gonna tell you something so please, don't freak out. You are a lost princess to a kingdom not far from here. That's why the Templars were looking for you so they could bring you back and control when you became queen, the assassin's want to help you learn to defend yourself and to protect you against Templar lies."

"I'm a lost princess?" Rapunzel asked in a shocked tone.

"Yes, now" you started while gently lifting Rapunzel's hood up to cover her head. "Let's get moving."

"Why do assassin's wear hood's?" Rapunzel asked as you two set off again.

"It's too help us blend in better, one of the assassin tenets is hide in plain sight." You finished with a soft smile.

"You must enjoy being a assassin," Rapunzel finished with a smile of her own.

"Yea, the assassin's saved me when I was a child, my parents simply left one night and I had to steal to eat then the assassin's recruited me and the rest is history." You finished.

"You were a thief?" Rapunzel asked in shocked tone.

"Still am, sometimes being a assassin means you have to steal."

"[y/n] will you train me to become one? to become a assassin." She asked with a hopeful look.

"It would be my honour Rapunzel." You finished with a blush.


After you and Rapunzel made it to the assassin den you started setting a room up for her.

"So this will be your room and it's right beside mine, so if need any help don't hesitate to come get me." you finished while taking your hood down. "Anyway I'll be going now." You ended as you went to leave.

"[y/n] wait." Rapunzel called.

As you turned around you were met with Rapunzel's lips. You were shocked but you soon melted into the kiss and slowly wrapped your arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around your neck. As the need for air arose you slowly broke the kiss and looked into Rapunzel's beautiful green eyes.

"[y/n] are assassin's allowed to date?" Rapunzel shyly asked.

"One of the most famous assassin's fell in love with a Templar. I think this is allowed." You finished with a smile. "Now, how about I teach you about the hidden blade." You finished with a smile.

"If I'm good maybe I can see your hidden blade." Rapunzel finished with a smirk.

"I don't understand?" You finished in a confused tone.

"Oh you will." Rapunzel ended with a laugh.

I couldn't resist making a dick joke. Peace my friends

P.s 30 freaking chapters.

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