A short story

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So this is a idea I got, hope you enjoy.

Qrow wasn't sure where he was, the last thing he remembered was sending his nieces team away to safety so he could go all out against Salem's forces, and he did. He fought like a devil dressed as a man. When he ran out of ammo he fought with his blade and when it broke he was forced to kill Tyrian with his bare hands, but nothing is ever that easy.

"Show's over Tyrian, Salems forces are being overpowered as we speak. Salem is done for." Qrow finished with a tired smirk.

"You fool, you really think you've won. But Salem always has a backup plan." Tyrian finished as he ripped open his shirt to reveal a long jagged scar.

"All hail Salem." Tyrian muttered before the bomb inside him went off.

Qrow woke up in a blinding white hospital room. His leg was in a cast and there were bandages wrapped around his chest.

"I need a drink." Qrow muttered before closing his eyes for a moment.

"You look good for a guy who was just blown up." A female voice stated.

Qrow opened his eyes to see the last person he expected to see. Winter Schnee.

"What are you doing here ice queen?" Qrow asked in slight surprise.

"I came to see you, you gave everyone a surprise when they heard you were blown up." Winter finished before sitting down beside him.

"Probably scared the shit out of Ruby. How is she?" Qrow asked a little nervously.

"Team Rwby along with Jaune, Ren and Nora took the fight straight to Salem. It was a tough fight but eventually Ruby and Jaune drove Crocea Mors though her heart, apparently it had a blessing to destroy any evil it touched."

"Please don't tell me that Arc kid then confessed his love to Ruby." Qrow stated. He always thought there was something between them.

"Actually Ruby confessed her undying love to Weiss, which she returned. But Jaune and Yang are apparently a couple now too." Winter finished with a smile.

Qrow moved his head to look at Winter. "Why are you here Winter?"

Winter sat emotionless for a moment before speaking. "Qrow do you remember when we first met?" She asked.

"Yeah. I needed a favour from Ironwood and you were there, you were just starting out."

"Do you remember what I said to you before you left?" She asked again with a small smile.

"I, I don't recall." Qrow admitted.

Winter smirked before leaned in to whisper in his ear. "No man or woman can ever kill you, except me." She finished before taking a hidden knife and stabbing Qrow though the heart before slowly getting up and leaving.

Let it never be said that Winter Schnee was not a woman of her word.

As she walked out of the hospital and got into a limo that was waiting for her she had a smile on her face.

As the limo drove down the streets of Vale Winter decided to check her makeup. As she opened her pocket mirror she noticed that her eyes looked different. Her normally white sclera was now black and her irises were now blood red.

The mortal's of this world were so simple, thinking they could destroy her. Evil can never die, it just moves on.

"All hail me."

Let me know what you think.

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