The Rook and the Raven part 2

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People have been asking for a part 2 of this story so here you go.

Yang Xiao-Long was feeling pretty happy, she was getting used to her robotic arm, she was starting to fight again and she was finally able to sleep better after months of nightmares courtesy of Adam Taurus. But things are starting to get better, and when she got better she was going to find Adam, and rip his fucking throat out.

It was just after eight in the morning and Yang was making breakfast for herself as her father was getting ready to head to the town to pick up a few things he needed.

"Ok sweetie I'll be back in a few hours don't burn the house down." Taiyang joked.

"Geez so I accidentally started a kitchen fire, let it go dad I was ten." Yang finished with a soft laugh.

"Can't be too careful can we?" Taiyang finished before leaving.

Yang watched the door close with a smile, admittedly it was nice seeing her dad again, she missed him. She moved her hand up to her chest and lifted the heart pendant on her necklace before opening it to reveal a picture of her ex boyfriend (y/n), she hadn't seen him in a long time. She was so stupid to cheat on him, even now she feels sick remembering how Sun flirted with her and got her drunk before taking her to bed. She regretted what she did but she was angry with (y/n) too, he goes away on a mission meets her mother and sleeps with her before dropping out of Beacon to run away with her to be Ravens boytoy. Yang was confused, she didn't know if she hated (Y/n) or if she still loved him.

She was interrupted by a knock on her door, though she had no idea who it could be, the house was far from anywhere. Without much choice she went to the door and opened it to find a man in black and red hooded robe, his face was hidden and he was armed, he would have been intimidating if it were not for the bunch of yellow roses he was holding.

"Hey Yang, it's been a while," the man spoke in a familiar voice.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

The man raised his hand and slowly pulled down his hood to reveal the face of the man I feel in love with.

"Hey Yang." The man stated in a low voice.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" I asked in shock.

Your pov

"It's a long story, I'll tell you everything but can I come in?" You asked in a sad tone.

Yang could tell that there was something wrong. "Sure come in."

You walked in and took a quick look around before turning to face Yang, right before she punched you in the face, sending you to the ground.

"You son of a bitch, how could you run away with my mother, I mean my mother? How could you run away with a woman like that, a woman who abandons her own daughter." Yang screamed with tears in her eyes.

You stayed on the ground not looking at Yang. "I deserved that Yang, I was blind to how she really was, Raven is a monster, no better than that bitch Cinder Fall or that scumbag Adam Taurus.

"(Y/n) what do you mean?" Yang asked in shock.

You slowly got up and put the roses on a coffee table before speaking. "Yang, when you cheated on me I was devastated, I was so broken that I fell for someone that showed me the least bit of attention. Did you know Raven has a tribe? Everyone there is basically an assassin, they kill because they declare that they should die. They are evil, there worse then grimm, and I was one of them."

"You joined her crazy fucking tribe of killers, why would you do something so fuckin-"

"I did it because I was looking for a will to live. When I caught you with Sun I realised that if I didn't have you I had nothing, the night I walked into that drug factory I didn't care if I died or not because I was going to take my life anyway. If Raven hadn't have come I would be dead." You finished in a sorry tone.

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