Cheater Omakes

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So all cheater stories are to some degree depressing, so I thought I would makes a few funny ones to lighten the mood.

Cheater Omakes

You walked through Beacons hallways on the way to see your loving girlfriend Weiss Schnee, the girl you loved for months now. You had met her at beacons dance and since then the two of you had been a couple, she had even introduced you to her sister Winter who had expressed how much she liked you. As you reached team Rwby's dorm you heard slight moaning from inside and when you opened the door you found Weiss in bed with Neptune.

"What's going on here?" You ask in anger shocking the two.

"[y/n], I'm so sorry this is a complete accident, I never meant for it but Neptune is really charming and one thing led to another. Please don't be mad." Weiss finished in a scared voice.

You reached for your gun but stopped and smiled. "I guess I can't be mad considering that I've been sleeping with Winter behind your back for three months now." You finished in a nonchalant tone.

"Really dude Winter? High five bro." Neptune stated as he lifted hand. You walked in a gave him a high five.

"So Weiss I guess we're done now, like broken up." You ask in a normal voice.

"I guess," she answered with a bit of confusion.

"Great." You finished before taking your scroll and calling someone.

"Hey Winter, me and Weiss broke up and I wanted to know if you'll become my new girlfriend?"

"Really? Awesome. Yeah I could pick up a few things and head over to you with them."


"So you need a couple of pairs of handcuffs, chocolate sauce and whipped cream? Ok see you later." You finished before hanging up.

"Later Weiss, oh and Neptune, me,Jaune, Ren and Sun are getting together to watch the grifball game tonight, you're welcome to join, it's in team Jnpr's dorm at 8." You finished before leaving the dorm

Weiss and Neptune sat in silence for a moment.

"How come we never use handcuffs?"

Omake 2

You were walking towards team Jnpr's dorm to see your girlfriend Pyrrha. The two of you were friends since childhood and once in beacon the two of you started dating. But even then you knew Pyrrha had some feelings for Jaune, but since he never noticed them so you didn't mind.

You asked Pyrrha out on a date but she complained of being sick so your were bringing some soup to make her feel better but just outside the door you heard moaning, you slammed the door open to see Pyrrha naked on top of Jaune. The sound of the door made them look and once they saw you they were beyond scared.

You looked them in the eyes before doing the only thing you could. You dropped the soup before throwing your arms in the air shouting "Arkos for the win" before leaving.

Pyrrha and Jaune sat on the bed confused.


"Yes Jaune."

"Can we use the whipped cream now?"


Omake 3

You were currently carrying a yellow rose while on the way to see your girlfriend Yang or your sunshine as you called her. You and Yang started dating after a month of constant flirting and truth be told you couldn't be happier. Yang had given you access to her dorm so you stop by anytime.

You opened the door to find a naked Yang....with a equally naked Blake pressed into her breasts.

You stood watching the scene in shock, it was then both Yang and Blake noticed you but rather then be shocked or scared they both looked at you with sultry looks.

"Come on [y/n], don't keep kitty and sunshine waiting," yang cooed while Blake blew you a kiss.

Needless to say you couldn't get you clothes off quick enough but when you did, the sun shined brighter and little kitty purred.

Omake 4

"You cheating son of a bitch!" Blake yelled as she threw another lamp at you.

"Baby, I didn't cheat on you," you finished before dodging the lamp that was thrown at you.

"Don't you dare lie to me, I know the truth, who was it then, hmph was it puss, tabby, whiskers?" Blake snarled.

"Wait, what?" You stated in a monotone voice.

"Don't try and deny it, I saw the pictures," Blake shouted before showing you a picture of you petting a random gray cat.

"I thought you loved me," Blake asked in a small voice.

You walked over to Blake before pulling her into a hug and whispering into her ear. "I sorry for my mistake, I love you Blake and I will never cheat on you or abandon you."

Blake looked into your eyes to search for any signs of lies but found none. "I love you too [y/n]."

"How about I take you out for sushi? You know, to apologise."

Blake's eyes lit up and she practically ran out of the room leaving you behind.

"That's my kitty."

Omake 5

"[y/n] I'm so sorry, it was a mistake and I promise it won't happen again." Ruby choked out though her tears.


"I admit that it felt good but it wasn't as good as it is with you." Ruby stated with a guilty face.


"I know it temps me everytime, and I know I'm weak but with your help I know I'll overcome my temptations." Ruby finished with a look of determination.

"For gods sake Ruby I found you in bed eating a plate of cookies, that's hardly cheating. It's a little greedy and you should probably get checked for diabetes but its not cheating." You finished in a tired voice.

"Oh thank god, I was really worried. So you wanna have sex?" Ruby asked in a neutral tone.


Omake 6

"I saw you kissing yang!" Glynda shouted in anger.

"Baby, it was just a play, she's my friend and nothing more." You pleaded in fear.

"Oh don't give me that excuse, how do I know that's the truth." Glynda questioned in anger.

"You bought a ticket for it, there was a entire audience there." You stated in fear.

"Still, say sorry and I might forgive you." Glynda finished in a cold voice.

"Im sorry Glynda, and I would never cheat on you." You finished in a sincere tone.

"I accept your apology but there is still the matter of punishment," Glynda finished.

"What do you mean punishment? Glynda what are you doing with your riding crop? Glynda, Glynda? Glynda!"

Then inhuman screams could heard.

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