Rwby short storys

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Fuck me I gotta start writing again

Rwby short storys

Doing things

"Weiss I thought you said your sister was coming today?" Blake Belladonna questioned as Weiss watched the clock like a hawk.

"She was meant to be here, and Winter is hardly ever late." Weiss started in a worried voice.

"I'm sure she's fine Weiss." Ruby finished while trying to comfort her friend.

Just then the dorm room door opened and Winter Schnee walked in looking as beautiful as ever.

"Terrible sorry I'm late everyone, I got caught up doing things." She finished in a happy tone.

Just as she finished a man entered the room behind her. The man looked a little worse for wear, his clothes and hair looked a little roughed up and he sported numerous bite marks but dispite this he had a goofy smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Weiss asked with a puzzled look.

The man smirked and his [e/c] eyes seemed to shine. "I'm things."

A magic what?

With the help of teams Rwby and Jnpr you had captured Cinder Fall and now with Yang and Blake you were now interrogating her.

"Whare is Salem?" You asked in a calm voice.

"I suppose you what to know why I'm doing this," Cinder spoke in a sultry voice.

"Not really," Yang spoke with a bored voice.

"Very well," Cinder started in a loud voice. "I'll tell you. It all started twenty three years ago, I was born on a brisk autumn evening, unfortunately my mother was a drunk and-"

"Hey Cinderfuck how about we skip to the part where I'm supposed to give a shit." Blake stated in a annoyed voice.

"Wow Blake, didn't expect that from you." Yang stated in shock.

"Fine I'll tell you the short version, my mother was a drunk, I hated life, and I want the world to burn." Cinder finished in a impatient voice.

"Enough! Yang, Blake leave us, it's time to get rough." You finished in a animalistic voice.

Yang and Blake shared a look before leaving.

3 hours later

"They've been in there for three hours what's happening in there?" Ruby questioned.

Just then the door opened and you walked in shirtless and covered in sweat.

"What the hell happened in there?" Weiss questioned in shock.

"Salem is weak in this world, very weak and she's currently at this address in Vale you guys better hurry." You finished in a commanding tone.

"Wait, aren't you going?" Jaune questioned in surprise.

"I have to take care of something else." You finished.

"Like what?" Ren asked.

Just then someone entered the room wearing your missing shirt.

"[y/n], come back already, I'm starting to get lonely." Cinder stated before kissing your neck.

"What the fuck are you thinking, she's evil." Weiss shouted.

"Not anymore, she's loyal to me now." You finished before pulling Cinder into a steamy kiss.

"How do you know that?" Pyrrha asked.

"It's my semblance," you answered. "Basically I have a a magic penis." You finished with a smile before Cinder got impatient and dragged you off to the nearest bed.

Teams Rwby and Jnpr stood in shock before Blake decided to speak.

"It's true, he has a magic penis." Blake answered with a content smile.

Dressing up

"Hey Winter you ready yet?" You called out to your girlfriend Winter Schnee.

"Almost, I really hope you like my halloween costume." Winter called from the bathroom.

"Don't be nervous Winter, It's just a small halloween party with your sister and her friends." You finished as you added the finishing touches to your halloween costume, you designed your costume after dia de los muertos, or day of the dead.

"I still don't know why you couldn't tell me what your dressing as, is it really such a secret?" You asked while fixing your suit.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, but I think you're going to like it." Winter called.

"I know I will." You finished.

"Ok, I'm ready, close your eyes." Winter called out.

"Alright there closed." You called before you heard the bathroom door opening.

"Alright, you can open them." Winter spoke in a soft voice.

When you opened your eyes you couldn't believe what you saw. Winter stood there with her hair in a french braid and purple eye shadow, her costume was a light blue dress and a flowing cape.

Winter smiled at your reaction before slowly walking towards you.

"What do you think of my costume, it's from a famous movie, ice, or cold? Something like that, anyway what do you think?" Winter asked in a lustful voice.

"I, um, I think it's nice," you stated in a small voice.

"You know [y/n] we have some time before the party, I wonder what we could do, what could we do?" Winter stated in a soft voice before kissing your neck.

4 hours later

"That was amazing [y/n]. Winter stated in a satisfied voice as she rested her head on your naked chest.

"You weren't so bad your self," you joked. "I think we missed the party." You finished.

"It's not a big loss, Weiss will understand. Besides, I perfer being here with you," Winter finished before kissing you.

"I love you Winter." You stated while holding Winter closer.

"I love you too [y/n]." Winter finished before kissing you once more and laying her head on your chest and falling asleep.

So that was something.

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