Cheater Weiss x male reader x Cinder

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I seriously think there's something wrong with me

You stood in the middle of beacon's training area surrounded by destroyed combat drones. You were covered in sweat and bits of oil smeared across your face.

"Round 20 complete." A robotic voice stated.

"Again," you shouted while gripping your weapon tightly.

You started to think back to why you are currently destroying nearly all of beacon's drones.


You walked into team Rwby's dorm to see your girlfriend. Weiss Schnee, only to find her in bed with that blue-haired prick Neptune. "Weiss, your cheating on me?" You shouted in anger.

"[y/n], it's not what it looks like," Weiss finished trying to defend herself.

"Don't give me that shit, your cheating on me, plain and simple." You finished while drawing your sword, which hung on your back.

"[y/n], there's no need to do anything rash now," Neptune stated in fear.

"Oh believe me, there is," you finished with a dark smile.

Flashback over

You left Neptune beaten and bloody, and while it felt good to act out revenge you were still angry. It was that reason you were fighting the combat drones.

"Round 21 complete." The same robotic voice stated.

Just as you were about to start another round a female voice called out. "Impressive, even the famous Pyrrha Nikos had to stop at round 20. You must be very powerful." The voice finished in a lust filled voice.

You turned around to see a woman dressed in the uniform of haven. She also had shining amber eyes and long flowing hair as black as night, she was gorgeous to put it simply.

"You can never be too powerful," you finished while approaching the woman.

"Well said, the names Cinder Fall." The woman stated as she held out her hand.

"[y/n] [l/n], charmed." You finished while taking her hand and gently kissing it.

"A gentleman in this day and age, how rare," Cinder stated with a smile. "Tell me why are you here?" She finished.

"Well I found my girlfriend in bed with another guy so I'm a little pissed off right now." You finished before grabbing a towel and wiping the oil away from your face.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Cinder stated. "Good, I can get him to join us." She thought.

"Whatever, I don't need her, at least I can work on getting stronger and more powerful now." You finished in anger.

"Power must mean a lot to you?" Cinder questioned with a raised brow.

"Power means everything in this world," you finished with a smirk.

"Very true. If you're interested why not train with me and my team, not to brag or anything but we're quite powerful too." Cinder finished with a smile.

"Alright, let's go," you ended with a smile.


Teams Rwby and Jnpr noticed the changes you had made over the last month, like the fact you were hanging out with students from haven, the fact that you seemed colder, but mostly they noticed the death glares you gave off whenever you saw Weiss.

"Has anyone noticed that [y/n] has changed." Yang stated as she watched you talk with Mercury.

"He's become friends with that team from Haven." Ruby stated. "Ever since Weiss cheated on him."

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