Power girl x male reader

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Couldn't think of a smart name for this one. I suck

It began as a normal day for you. You got up, got dressed and went to a local coffee shop to relax and look though job listings in the paper, but there was another reason you went there everyday. About two weeks ago you saw a woman there. She was beautiful, she had short blonde hair and incredible ocean blue eyes. Everyday since then she's been going there ordering a latte and reading a book. You thought about asking her out a couple of times but you were scared she would reject you.

After ordering your latte you started looking through the paper for jobs. "Butcher? no, baker? no, candlestick maker? is that even a job anymore?" You question with a chuckle. A hour pasted by but there was no sign of the woman, giving up with a sigh you left the coffee shop and started walking home. You decided to take a short cut though a allyway when you the blonde woman but it looked like she was being mugged.

"Hand over all your cash and no one gets hurt, OK Blondie?" The mugger asked while gripping his knife tight.

You had to do something, you quickly and quietly made your way behind the man but when you were two feet behind him he started turning to meet you, only for you to hit him causing him to stagger.

"Go now!" You shouted at the woman. She looked at you for a moment before running. You turned to see the mugger had recovered from the punch.

"That wasn't very smart was it asshole." He taunted before running and slashing at you with his knife. You were quick and dodged the knife but as you went to throw a punch he managed to slice your forearm causing you to stagger allowing him to slice your cheek. You were in trouble, rule number one in a fight, never go down. You watched as the mugger clutched the knife tightly. "You shouldn't have acted like a hero, you may have lived longer." And with that he raised the knife and you closed your eyes awaiting death. But it never came, when you opened your eyes only to see a unconscious mugger and power girl looking down at you. You felt tired, you knew you were about to black out, but with the last bit of strength you cracked a smirk. "I could've taken him." You finished before blacking out.

When you woke up you didn't recognise where you were. The last thing you remembered was a getting sliced up by a mugger but when you checked your arm and cheek were patched up. "Where am I?" You question before getting out of the bed you had slept in. You started walking though the apartment looking for it's owner. When you reached the kitchen you saw her, the girl from the coffee shop.

When she noticed you she ran to made sure you were ok. "[y/n] are you ok?" She questioned while checking your wounds.

"I'm fine. How did you know my name?" You questioned with a slight blush at the proximity of the gorgeous woman.

"I looked at your wallet when you were out. Now what do you remember before you blacked out?" She asked while leading you to the sofa.

"Well I remember the mugger standing over me and getting ready to kill me and then... Power girl, she saved me me." You finished in astonishment. "But wait if power girl saved me why am I here and not in a hospital?" You question.

"Well, about that. The truth is I'm power girl and I wanted to make sure you were safe. That was a incredibly noble thing you did today, you fought a armed man to protect me."

"It was nothing, I mean you didn't need help, you're a superhero after all." You joked while checking your arm wound.

"But you didn't know that. You thought I was a normal girl getting mugged and you helped me. You're a everyday hero." She finished while moving closer to you. "And I want to pay you back," she finished before kissing you softly on your lips while straddling you lower body. You unconsciously wrapped your arms around her lower bringing her closer. When the need for air arose you broke the kiss and looked into the woman's eyes.

"I'm Karen Starr by the way." She finished barely above a whisper.

"You know I thought about asking you you a few times in the coffee shop but I never had the courage." You finished with a smile.

"So you were scared to ask me out but you ran at a knife wielding mugger?" Karen questioned with a smile.

"It does sound stupid when you say it like that." You state with a smile before kissing Karen again.

"You seem to be quite confident now," Karen responded with a smile before wrapping her arms around your neck and pulling you close.

"What can I say fighting a mugger will do that." You joked

"Hey [y/n] do you want to be my boyfriend?" Karen asked in a low nervous voice.

You response was to give here a soft, sweet kiss on the lips. When you broke the kiss you noticed it was pretty late at night.

"We should probably turn in for the night." You stated while looking out the window.

You looked at Karen to find her sleeping against you chest. You smiled at this before holding her closer.

"Goodnight power girl." You finished before closing your eyes and falling asleep.

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