Cold love: beginning

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The city of Arendelle was beautiful. People came from far away places just to vist, even for a day. All around the city magic ice statues of people could be found around the city, but unlike most statues which are based on people the ice statues of Arendelle are people, each statue committed a crime against Arendelle. They were left as a warning, a warning that said, don't fuck with queen Elsa.

It was early in the morning when you entered Arendelle, admittedly one of the more beautiful city's you had come across and while you didn't know anything about the place you felt comfortable here. One of the first things you did when you entered Arendelle was find the closest bar.

"What can I get yea handsome?" A beautiful scarlet red haired women asked you with a smile.

"Two shots of whiskey, one for me and one for you sweetheart." You finished with a smirk.

The woman flashed a smirk before leaving to get the drinks, giving you the opportunity to take in your surroundings. You noticed that most of the other men in the place had a dangerous aura around them, waiting for you to make the wrong move.

"Here you go handsome," the barmaid finished with a slight accent.

You gave the woman a smile before you took one of the shots and she took the other.

"To a merry life." You toasted be the two of you downed the whiskey.

"So where you from beautiful? That accent isn't from around here." You asked with a smile.

"You got me, I'm Irish, but I came here seeking new and exciting thrills and new and exciting men," the woman stated with a lustful gaze.

"I'm [y/n]" you finish with a smile.

"Anne." The woman finished before pouring two more shots.

As the two of you talked and flirted with each other a man approached you.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Talking to my woman like that?" The man stated in a drunken voice.

You turned to see a man who was obviously drunk being backed up by four of his friends.

"I'm sorry but this beautiful woman here is not wearing a ring so she is not married, and judging by the look she's giving you I'd say you aren't in a relationship so the way I see it is you have two choices either you sit down or we fight, so which is it?" You finished as you stood to meet the man.

The man backed away before throwing a punch which you intercepted before headbutting the man and tossing him at a table making it break.

The other four men were hesitant about attacking but one by one they went at you. You managed to hold them off for a while, this wasn't your first bar brawl but eventually you were starting to get tired. You were staring down the last man waiting for him to make a move, but what you didn't know was that he was a distraction. The next thing you knew one of the other fighters had tacked you sending the pair of you out of the bars window and into the street. While you were dazed the man lifted his fist but stopped when he noticed 10 of queen Elsa's personal guards each armed with heavy armor, crossbow and two-handed sword's. The man was shocked but was shocked even more when a ice shard pierced his shoulder sending him away in pain.

You lifted yourself off the ground not noticing the guards aiming there crossbows at you.

"Stand down." A feminine voice shouted causing the guards to lower there weapons and you to turn.

A woman walked into the clearing and stopped in front of you, she was shorter then you but that didn't make her anyless scary.

"Guards find the men who were involved in the fight." She commanded in a loud voice. "You however are coming with me." She finished before dragging you towards the castle.

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