Winter's romance

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So in this story Weiss cheats on you and you find comfort in her older sister Winter.

You were angry, no angry was a understatement, you were fucking pissed off. You went to go see you girlfriend Weiss Schnee only to find her kissing that blue-haired prick Neptune.


You opened the door to team RWBY's dorm only to find Weiss kissing a shirtless Neptune.

"Weiss? Your cheating on me?" You shout in a angry tone.

"[y/n]! What are you doing here?" Weiss questions with a fearful look.

"I thought it would be nice to take you out to lunch. How could you cheat on me Weiss," you asked in a mix of hurt and anger.

"[y/n] I'm sorry.."

"SAVE IT. We're done weiss. I hope your happy with this piece of shit.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game." Neptune smirked.

In a Instant you rushed Neptune and grabbed his throat before lifting him into the air.

"Weiss is not a game. If she chose you over me you better treat her right. Got it?" You finished with fire in your eyes.

The only thing Neptune could do was nod as he struggled for air.

"You're pathetic." You mocked as you dropped him to the ground.

You then turned to see a tearful Weiss.

"[y/n] what's wrong with you?" She asked in shock.

"I discovered my semblance. I call it bloodlust." You finished while rolling up your sleeve to reveal a red mark that looked like the number seven with two smaller marks beside it.

"It makes me faster, stronger and more brutal, basically I'm a demon." You finished with a demonic smile.

Flashback over

Right now your walking down the streets of Vale still angry about Weiss and Neptune.

As you were walking a sleek white limousine rolls up beside you. The black window rolls down to reveal Winter Schnee, Weiss's older sister.

You had met Winter quite a few times at social functions Weiss had to attend. Winter had liked you better then any other of Weiss's boyfriends. She thought you would be the one for Weiss.

"[y/n] how lovely to see you. Where are you going, we can give you a ride." Winter finished with a smile.

"I need a ride to vale hotel." You answered in a gruff tone.

Winter opened the door and allowed you to get it. After a few minutes of driving Winter spoke.

"So how are you and Weiss doing?" She questioned in curiosity.

"Were over." You stated in anger.

Winter quickly grabs your shirt and gets close to your face.

"Did you break my sisters heart?" She finished in anger.

"No Winter, she broke mine. She was cheating on me with Neptune so I ended it." You finish with downcast eyes.

Winter let's go of your shirt before hugging you tight.

"[y/n] I'm so sorry. I can't believe my sister would do that." She finished in sorrow.

"Dispite the way she acts, she's still a little girl." You finished while hugging Winter back.

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