Dark lover

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First update in a month and it's really fucking dark, to all the Weiss lovers out there a warning, this is not for the faint of heart. This is a story about lies, cheating and deception oh and MURDER.


Weiss Schnee was in love, she had been for the last two years. She met [y/n] [l/n] when she was 15, he was also 15 at the time and the heir to a weapons company and like her, he decided to attend Beacon. Because of a odd number of students [y/n] had to be on a one man team, it wasn't too bad considering his strength in battle, his weapons were two wrist mounted blades as well as a sawn off shotgun and a black handgun.

Weiss smiled as she flipped though a wedding magazine, halfway though the school year [y/n] turned 18 and he wasted no time in asking Weiss to marry him, too which she agreed, but he insisted on asking Weiss's father and sister for permission, Weiss agreed knowing that they would agree, her sister even mentioned her jealousy towards her for having found "the perfect man".

Weiss was drawn from her magazine when she received a message on her scroll.

"Weiss, you need to come to your fathers study. [y/n]'.


Weiss entered her fathers study to see [y/n] sitting on a leather high back chair, with her father sitting opposite.

Weiss walked beside her father and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Father, has [y/n] earned my hand in marriage?" Weiss asked with a smile as she looked at her boyfriend who had a gentle smile on his face.

There was no response from her father.

"Father?" Weiss asked before shaking him a little, only for him to slump over dead.

"Father, father no," Weiss cried as the clutched her fathers dead body. She looked up to see [y/n]'s smile on his face, along with his wrist mounted blade with her fathers blood stained on it.

Weiss looked at the man she used to love though tear stained eyes, she wanted to say a million different things but the only word she could utter was "why?"

"Why? Because the world is sick, and we are the doctors." [y/n] stated in a easy tone.

Weiss was horrified at the revelation she had witnessed the man she fell in love with, the man she gave herself to, and now the man who had just murdered her father.

"What do you mean we?" Weiss questioned in horror.

It was then a woman emerged from the shadows. She was gorgeous, with raven locks and amber eyes. She wore a long red dress which was detailed with yellow details lines that seemed to glow.

"Well, well, well miss Schnee, how lovely to meet you." The woman stated in fake amusement.

"Who are you?" Weiss asked still clutching her fathers body.

"How rude of me, my name is Cinder Fall and we," she gestured to herself and [y/n] "are Remnants reckoning."

"What's your plan? And why did my father have to die?" Weiss spat in anger.

Your pov

You cracked a smirk before responding. "It's simple really, if mr Schnee and you were to tragically pass away, well we would have full control of the SDC, dust, money and weapons, all ours, Remnant wouldn't stand a chance." You finished with a sadistic smile.

"You're wrong, if we die Winter will take over." Weiss shouted with a hint of smugness.

"Ah, yes the older and frankly more desirable of the Schnee sisters, you're right of course, she would take over, but then again that's what we're planning on, isn't that right my love." You finished in a mocking voice.

It was then Winter Schnee entered the room taking time to add extra sway to her hips.

Weiss watched in horror as her sister, the person she looked up to most in the world walked past her and into the arms of her former fiancé before kissing him deeply.

"Winter what are you doing? He's the enemy, he killed father." Weiss choked out.

"I guess that makes him my hero. You see Weiss the truth is I was sick of that disgusting man, I'm glad he's dead." Winter finished in a sadistic tone.

"But why?" Weiss asked though her tears.

"Why? Because of you little sister, or should I say heiress? You didn't earn that title, it was my birth right, but you had to come along and fuck everything up didn't you, but with you and father dead the SDC will be mine and with my position I can get anything my king and queen desire." Winter finished before kissing you and Cinder.

"You're monsters," Weiss shouted in anger as she watched the three with hatred in her eyes.

"You're only figuring that out now? My god you are dumb," you stated before crouching down in front of her. "Or perhaps you were blinded by love."

"Did you ever love me?" Weiss questioned in a low tone.

"Well about 3 months ago when we were last here I began to think that I had feelings for you but then I forgot about it, do you know what made me forget? I'll tell you, the sight of your beautiful sister made me forget. You should have seen her Weiss, she looked like a goddess, the way the moon reflected of her beautiful pale white naked skin, I just couldn't help myself, and the next day I got back into your bed before you even knew I was gone." You finished with a sick smile.

"What's your plan after killing us, people will investigate." Weiss stated in anger.

"And we will tell them what happened, the white fang broke in and overpowered us." You stated with a condescending smile.

"And what would that accomplish?" Weiss questioned.

"Ironwood and his Atlas lapdogs will decline war on the whitefang and that calf Adam will die by Ironwood's hand or mine." You finished in a dark voice.

"You're evil." Weiss snapped.

"No, we're simply misunderstood." You finished before standing up and taking out your sawn off shotgun which you called Malum.

"I'm sorry about this Weiss," *click* you opened the barrel. "But I have my orders and Salem will be most disappointed if I were to disobey them." You placed the shotgun ammo in the weapon. *click* you closed the barrel back up and pointing the weapon at her. "I'm sure you understand."

"Please [y/n], you don't have to do this" Weiss pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"I know I don't have too, I want too," you finished with a dark look.


1 week later

The massacres played out entirely how you predicted, when Ironwood learned that the *whitefang* murdered the head and heiress of the SDC he lead assaults against them, even the great Adam Taurus wasn't safe.

Winter became head of the SDC and used her power to supply you and Cinder with anything you needed.

Right now you lay in bed with Cinder and Winter, both of whom were naked. Cinder who was now gifted with the fall maidens power and Winter was on route to becoming the winter maiden. As you lay there between the sleeping bodies of your lovers one person was one your mind.

"For the record Weiss, I am sorry," you ended in a soft whisper.

Fun fact: the shotgun used to kill Weiss is called Malum which means Evil in latin.

Anyway let me know what you think, comments are always welcome.

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