A life in Paris

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So I was requested to write a extended ending to my first oneshot titled a night in Paris. Which was a Elizabeth x male reader story. Anyway I hope you enjoy and try and spot all the bioshock references.

"Goodbye Elizabeth, I love you."

5 years later

You are currently on a plane to Paris, the city of light and hopefully the city where the love of you life lives. Ever since you met Elizabeth you couldn't stop thinking about her, her face, her eyes, even on her outlook on life was beautiful. So two weeks ago you quit your job booked a hotel in Paris and left. You just hope Elizabeth hasn't forgotten you.

"Hey, are you ok?" A female voice asks.

You turn your head to she a young woman looking at you. She was young, perhaps early twenties with brown hair and blue eyes, had you not been in love with Elizabeth you could have easily fallen for this girl.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about a girl I love in Paris." You finished with a small smile.

"Love is just a chemical. We give it meaning by choice. I'm sorry, whare are my manners, my names Eleanor, Eleanor Lamb." The woman finished.

"Im [y/n] [l/n]. It's nice to meet you Eleanor." You finished in a friendly tone.

"So, tell me about this girl you love." Eleanor asked with a happy smile.

"Well her names Elizabeth, I was stuck in Paris for one day five years ago and she showed me the sights and by the end of the day I was head over heels in love." You finished with a chuckle.

"You fell in love with her after one day? She must be a incredible girl if she can do that." Eleanor stated with a smile.

"She is, I hope she still remembers me." You finished in a low voice.

"If it's true love then she will." Eleanor finished with a smile.

"Thank you Eleanor, I needed to hear that." You know ended with a grateful smile.

"Attention all passengers, we will be landing shortly, would you kindly fasten your seatbelts. Thank you for flying with Rapture airlines."


After landing and checking in at the hotel you left to explore the city and hopefully find Elizabeth. Your first stop was Notre-Dame de Paris.

You walked around the old church looking at the buried before heading out to the gardens. It wasn't very busy and you often found your self alone.

As you continued to walk around the garden you imagined Elizabeth was with you, but as you left the garden and went to the streets of Paris again she was gone and you felt a familiar pain in your chest. It was the same pain you felt since leaving Paris, since leaving Elizabeth.


It had been a week since you came to Paris and you still haven't seen Elizabeth and you were starting to lose hope. Right now you were sitting at a outdoor cafe, the same one you met Elizabeth at, you had been coming her all week hoping to see her again but with no hope. It was especially warm that day and the only empty table was the one you were sitting at.

You sat and read the paper while casually drinking a latte. Dispite the number of people around in was quite peaceful. You were reading about the possibility of a underwater city when the voice of a young girl interrupted you.

"Excuse me sir, but can me and my mommy sit at this table with you? Every where else is full." She finished with a light french accent.

You turned to look at the young girl. She was around the age of five. She had middle length brown hair and deep blue eyes, there was something about her that felt familiar, like you knew her.

"It alright, I would enjoy the company." You finished with a smile.

The girl smiled before sitting down.

My names Èlise, what's yours?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm [y/n], it's very nice to meet you Èlise. How old are you?" You asked.

"I'm five." She finished while holding five fingers up.

"Èlise, Èlise whare are you?" A female questioned while looking around for the girl.

Èlise ran towards the voice, probably her mother. You looked into the crowd but you couldn't see either of them. You shrugged your shoulders before going back to your paper. But you were stopped again when two people sat down.

"Thank you for allowing me and my daughter to sit with you." A female stated, wait that voice was familiar.

You raised your head and there she was, Elizabeth, the girl you met five years ago. You stared into her incredible blue eyes and when she noticed who you were she gave off that beautiful smile of her. You looked from her to Èlise, her five year old...

You looked at Elizabeth with questioning eyes while she had a guilty look. She took some money out a sent Èlise to a sweet shop, leaving the two of you to talk.

"Elizabeth, your still incredibly beautiful." You complimented with a smile.

"And your still devilishly handsome." She replied with a calm smile.

"So it's been five years, and Èlise is five..." You trailed off, unsure what to say next.

"You were the only man I slept with." Elizabeth finished with a frown.

"Elizabeth, you knew my name, why didn't you contact me?" You questioned in a whisper.

"And say what? Hey remember that random woman you slept with in Paris? Well she's pregnant, come back at once?"

"Elizabeth you are not some random woman. I love you and had I known I would've come back in a heartbeat." You finished in a whisper.

"You love me?" Elizabeth questioned with the beginning of tears in her eyes.

You reached across and gently placed your hand on hers. "I love you Elizabeth. You stated with conviction.

The tears were now fallen in happiness. "You know I love a man with conviction." She finished before leaning in and kissing you.

When Elizabeth kissed you the pain in your chest disappeared and everything felt right in the world. In fact it felt like the world stopped and time froze. Nothing else mattered it was just you and Elizabeth in the world. You finally broke the kiss and helped Elizabeth wipe away her tears.

"You know, Èlise is going away for a sleep over tonight, maybe you could come over and we can get to know each other better. How long are you staying anyway?"

"I'm staying here for good, and I promise I will never leave you, after all.." You leaned in and gently pecked Elizabeth's lips before whispering into her ear.

"Paris is for the lovers,"

A year later you and Elizabeth got married, and nine months after that she gave birth to twins, a boy named Booker, and a girl named Anna...

I think at on point I was going to write a ending to this but I was too lazy. I work 10 hours a day, give me a break. Peace

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