Vampiric love

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Finally finished the request.

All though out Skyrim stories were told of the mighty Dragonborn, the leader of the companions, the slayer of the glenmoril witches and the slayer of Alduin- the world eater. There were many warriors who pledged to fight alongside the Dragonborn but he rejected them all, except one, Serana the vampire.

"Please Dragonborn, solitude is at risk from these bandits, we need you to exterminate them." Elisif finished in a desperate voice.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do." You finished.

"Thank you, I will send a city guard to help you on your quest.

"No, I work alone and a city guard is too inexperienced for a mission like this." You finished before turning and leaving.

Once you got outside you took in a deep breath of fresh air before hearing a voice.

"You do realise she probably thinks you're asshole right." A soft voice spoke from the shadows.

"Yes Sarana, but I honestly couldn't deal with a city guard." You finished before leaving the blue palace with Sarana walking beside you.

"May I ask why?" Sarana asked with a small smile.

"Because there so annoying, I mean I'm the Dragonborn the harbinger of the companions, leader of the thieves guild and the leader of the dark brotherhood, for gods sake I am the slayer of Alduin, and yet they still ask if someone stole my sweetroll." You finished just a burst out laughing.

You stopped for a moment and just listened to her laugh, that was the Dragonborns big secret, he was in love with Sarana be he knew she would never feel the same and it tore him up inside.

"[y/n]? You there?" Sarana asked while waving her hand in front of you.

"Yeah, sorry about that just lost focus, anyway I got bandits to kill so I should probably get going." You finished with a small smile.

"Wait, I'm not doing anything, can I come along?" Sarana asked in a low voice.

"Sure, you're definitely a better fighter then a city guard." You ended with a smile.


You and Sarana finally make it to the cave where the bandits are rumoured to be hiding. You were glad as Sarana started asking some questions to pass the time.

"So why did you cure yourself of being a werewolf? I thought you had the hots for Aela?" Sarana asked in curiosity.

"Well I was thinking about making a move but I heard rumours about her and Skjor so I left her alone." You finished with a shrug.

"What about the girl in Whiterun, ysolda wasn't it?" Sarana asked with a raised brow.

"I think she has a thing for the khajiit, I hear stories of what happens in those caravans." You finish with a chuckle.

"What about.."

"Shh, guy just ahead." You whispered before drawing your daedric dagger.

You crept up behind the bandit before cutting his throat.

As you and Sarana silently made your way through the cave with you in lead. You then found three bandits, one facing ahead, one facing left and the last guy facing right.

You got behind the bandit infront of you before stabbing him in the back, you then took his dagger and threw it at the guy facing right killing him instantly, you then took you bow out and shot a arrow at the third guy killing him. Once all three were dead you retrieved you dagger and proceeded forward.

Sarana watched you as you killed your way through the cave and she could barely contain herself, the truth was she was in love with you but she felt as if you wouldn't return the feelings due to her being a vampire, so she decided to hide her feelings, despite how painful it was.

After moving though the cave you and Sarana came to a massive chamber where a single man stood.

"Ah, the great Dragonborn arrives and killing everyone here. Tell me do you ever feel remorse for those you killed." The bandit chef spat.

"I do, but I know if one of those bandits killed me they would feel nothing, so yes I feel remorse, but the way I see it, the ends justify the means." You finished before drawing your daedric greatsword.

"That's your problem Dragonborn," the bandit chef started as he prepared a bow and arrow. "you don't focus." He shouted before firing the arrow at the roof which set off a series of explosives.

Before the explosives could go off you shoved Sarana out of the chamber just before a bolder crashed to the floor separating the two of you.

"Sarana this will probably be my last chance to say this, I lo.." Another explosion send another series of rocks down, and for you the world went black.


You woke up in your house in solitude which is suprising, considering the you thought you died. 

You got out of bed still feeling weak and went to the window to open the curtains, but once the sun's rays hit you it burned.

"What's happening." you shout before pulling your arm away from the sun just as Sarana ran into the room.

"[y/n]!" Sarana yelled before pulling you into the darkness.

"Sarana what's going on, why am I alive? Why does the sun burn me?" You questioned.

"I was able you pull you out of the chamber but you weren't breathing and you were bleeding heavily, I'm sorry there was only one way to save you, [y/n] I'm so sorry," Sarana finished in tears.

You watched in confusion before touching your neck and finding two fang marks, like a vampires bite.

"It was the only way to save you, I've lost everyone I've ever loved and I didn't want you to go next. You probably hate..."

Before Sarana could finish you silenced her with a kiss. When you broke the kiss you looked Sarana in the eye.

"Sarana I love you, I've been in love with you for quite sometime but I was scared you would reject me." You finished with a small smile.

"I love you too [y/n]" Sarana finished before you embraced her in a hug.

And that is the story of how a man born of dragonblood and a vampire found love.

One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora