Belle x beacon reader

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This is another requested story. I hope you enjoy.

Belle's pov

I was so excited. Today was the day, the day I told Adam that I love him. We may have only been dating for two weeks but I know in my heart he was the only one for me. My team fully supported my decision to tell him, well most of them did my team leader [y/n] acted a little weird, he's been acting that way since I started dating Adam. If I didn't know better I'd say...

"Oh Adam." A voice stated drawing me from my thoughts. Silently I opened the door to Adam's dorm only to find him kissing his team mate Lucy. I watched as the man I loved cheated on me. I left with tears in my eyes heading straight back to my dorm. When I arrived the rest of my team was either studying or playing cards.

"Belle, what's wrong?" My partner Ramona asked as she rushed to my side.

"Adam cheated on me with Lucy." I finished in a sad voice.

"That bastard." Anne shouted as she gave me a hug which I returned.

"I'm going to train." [y/n] announced before grabbing his sword and leaving the room.

Your pov

"That scumbag." I cursed as I made my way to Adam's dorm. "How could he cheat on her, to throw her love away like it was nothing." I finished in anger. After making my way to his dorm but only his teammate Han was there.

Han was a nice guy and it was no secret that he hated being part of Adam's team. He and I were friends even before beacon, if anyone was going to help me it has him.

"Han where's your scumbag of a leader at?" I asked in anger.

"I had a feeling you would show up sooner or later. He's at the training grounds. And remember his axe his devastating but it's also heavy use it to your advantage." Han finished with a smile.

"Thanks mate. Wish me luck." You finished before making your way to the training grounds to find Adam destroying a training drone. He turned to see you standing there. There was a moment of silence before you drew your sword.


You were currently walking back to your dorm after your fight with Adam. You had won his axe toke a toll on your body but it was worth it. After you made it back you found Belle sitting alone in the room.

"[y/n] what happened to you?" Belle questioned while looking at the fading cuts and bruises you had gotten.

"Nothing the training drones got a few lucky shots." You finished while setting your sword down.

"Are you sure it has nothing to do your fight with Adam?" Belle accused while standing up to you.

"What are you talking about?" You question.

"Han called me, he told you were looking for Adam and that you had bad intentions. Why [y/n], why did you go after him, what reason made you do something so stupid?"

"Because I love you." You shouted. "To be in love with you and to see you love someone else and to have that person reject you, it comsumed me and it made me lash out. It made me attack Adam."

"Y-you love me?" Belle questioned while trying to absorb this information.

"I won't apologise for my feelings or for hurting Adam." You finished while grabbing your wallet and some keys.

"Where are you going?" Belle questioned as you were getting ready to leave.

"Well things seem a little tense here so I l'm going to vale for a few hours, might go to juniors club." You finished while walking to the door."

"Wait." Belle cryed but as you turned to meet her you felt her lips crash upon your's. You felt joy and happiness in the kiss like all your problems didn't matter anymore, all the stress of school melt away, you felt at peace.

You broke the kiss and looked into Belle's beautiful brown eyes. "I love you too [y/n], I just never saw you that way until now." She finished with a smile.

"So we're a couple now?" You asked in hope.

"Yes, we're a couple now Belle finished before kissing you again.

While you were kissing Belle you never heard the door open.

"Pay up Ramona." Anne stated with a smile.

"Fine. But you're right they do make a cute couple." Ramona finished with a smile.

Reviews are always welcome.

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