Chapter 81 Executing the Plan.

Start from the beginning

Finally everyone was in the council room, Fili begins.

"I have called this meeting to inform all of you that I shall be taking over the position as king, temporarily until my uncle Thorin is back on his feet. I have decided that Alina and Balin will be my advisors."

Three conspirator stopped smiling when they hear that Fili will have only two advisors. They were about to complain, when the doors are flung open and in walks Thorin Oakenshield , King Under the Mountain. Looking more majestic than he normally does.

Dimrund, Grogrim, and Nalkon look at each other in total disbelief. Not only was Thorin not hurt, but he looks better than he has in years.

Thorin walks over to where Fili is sitting, Fili immediately gets up and gives Thorin a hug. Fili goes back to his normal seat next to Kili. Thorin settles down in his chair, he reaches for Alina's hand, bring it to his lips to kiss it.

Boldin stands to address Thorin, "We are all glad to see that you are looking very well, My King."

"Thank you, Boldin, I appreciate your sentiment and all those who agree with you, but I must confess, I was not ill. Instead there was an assassination attempt on my life."

There was a collective gasp from the council, Dimrund, Grogrim, and Nalkon look at each other nervously.

"Thank, Mahal, it was not that serious." Garond says.

"Oh but it was, Garond, I was stabbed in the back and the heart. Luckily, my soon to be wife's friend, Dr. Banner, was able to save me." Thorin states.

"And the assassin, what became of him?" Storond asks.

"I am not sure whether or not any of you have seen Mr. Logan wandering the Halls of Erebor?" Thorin asks.

"No, my King, we have not seen him." Chalbar states.

"That is good, it means he was doing his job very well." Thorin informs the council.

"W-what job was that, M-My King?" stutters Nalkon.

"Why, tracking the assassin of course." Thorin says.

"And was he successful?" asks Grogrim.

Suddenly the doors burst open, and in walks Logan carrying what looks like a corpse. He drops it on the floor then drags it by the collar to the middle of the room.

"Does this answer your question, you traitorous fuck. Don't give me that 'I'm innnocent' look. Your assassin already gave you up." Logan growls out.

Logan shakes the assassin by the collar, "Tell the king what you told me."

The assassin goes on to explain that Dimrund, Grogrim, and Nalkon have been trying to either manipulate Thorin or have him killed. That they were the ones that told the Orcs about the Company's plans to take back Erebor.

"Since you had succeeded in regaining the Mountain, the conspirators thought they could manipulate you through the use of a Dwarrow Dam, named Thila, but you had already found your One."

"They finally decided that assassinating you and putting Fili on the throne was the best they could do, so they hired me."

While the assassin is telling his story, the three traitors are slowly inching their way toward the exit. They suddenly hear someone behind them.

"Where do you think you bastards are going?" Logan asks while unsheathing his claws.

"Sit down, before I take your heads off." Logan orders.

The three conspirators sit back down, with Logan standing right behind them in case they run.

The assassin finishes telling Thorin everything. Thorin sits back in his chair, contemplating what to do next.

"Take him back to his cell and watch him carefully. I do not want him commiting suicide."

The guards nod and they take the assassin into custody, dragging him back to his cell.

Thorin turns to the three conspirator, "Well, what do you have to say for yourselves in your defense?"

"My king, all those things the assassin said  are not true, we have never laid eye on that Dwarf until today when he comes here to accuse us of treason." Dimrun says with the other two agreeing.

Thorin looks past them at Logan, waiting for him to say something.

"They're lying, Bub. I can smell the fear in their sweat, I can hear how accelerated their heart beat is, shit, I bet you anything that Alina can smell it too."

Thorin turns  to look at Alina, " Can you, my love, smell their lie?

"Absolutely, and they are definitely lying."

Thorin stands up to address the council. "Does anyone here have any doubts that these Dwarves are guilty of treason?"

No one says a word, "Good then,  I charge Dimrund, Grogrim, and Nalkon of treason, and attempted assassination of your King . Because of your actions, I sentence you three to death, along with the assassin. Guards take them away to the dungeon and guard them well. Make sure they do not try to take the coward's way out and commit suicide."

With that command the guards drag the traitors away to the dungeons.

"When are you planninng to have them executed?" Balin asks.

"The day after tomorrow, I will give them a chance to say goodbye to their families." Thorin says.

"That is if their families want to see these traitors to the crown." Dwalin comments. The rest of the Dwarves agree with Dwalin.

"We shall send word to their families, inform them of their charges and ask them if they would like to see the traitors to the crown." Thorin says.

"That sound more than fair, Ori, lad please have those notes ready and delivered by the end of the day." Balin tells Ori.

Ori only nods.

"Now the other problem we have is who is going to execute them?"

Logan stands up, "I could do it, no problem. Just a flick of my wrist and their heads will be rolling."

"I do not think that would be a wise decision, I do not want the people to fear you." Thorin says.

"So this is to be a public execution?" Asks Gloin.

"Yes I want the people to know that treason will be dealt with, swiftly and without mercy. So that this kind of thing does not happen again."

"That being the case, Thorin, I think you should execute them yourself." Dwalin says.

"Why should it be me?" Thorin asks, Dwalin.

"Because you are the King, and as King, you must show your people that you are strong and you can handle any situation that arises."

Thorin thinks about it, "Aye, Dwalin, you are absolutely correct. I need to show our people that I am not a weak ruler."

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