Chapter 32 Announcement to the Soldiers And Battles plans

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Thorin was glad the Tony told his sister so this announcement did not come as a shock to her. Thorin, Dain, and Bard stood in front of the camp waiting for them to calm down.

"OI, QUIET DOWN YOU LOT!" Dwalin bellowed. Instantly the camped went quiet.

Thorin addresses his men. "We have gotten reliable information that the enemy will be arriving from the East in the next two days. There is also a second army from Gundabad approaching from the North. That one will be handled by my kin Tony Stark and his soldiers." Thorin concluded.

"A company of men will be sent to the City of Dale to protect its citizens. While there, there will be several people that will be helping as well. These people have an assortment of strange powers. They are known as Mutants and are not to be attacked, but treated with respect. They are invaluable in this battle." Explains Bard.

"Also in the main battlefield there will be more of these Mutants and the same thing applies. There will also be a large green being, slightly wild. Do not attack him under any circumstances! Also, A human by the name Steve Rogers, come up here Steve." Steve proudly walked up there, "Also known as Captain America. He will be one of the commanding officers. You are to follow his orders if given. You will be able to tell him apart from any other human by his dress. He will be in red white and blue with the same color shield. Understood?" Lord Dain Bellowed.

All dwarf and humans yell at the same time, "Yes Lord Dain, My Kings!"

"Tonight eat, drink, rest. Tomorrow we train then we go off to battle!" Thorin stated in a firm voice.

Cheers went up all over the camp. As they gave their speech. Lord Elrond gave his speech to ALL the Elven troops having dealt more with mutants and knowing full well that Thranduil would be a cynic about it. Thorin came back to his Company and new friends, Dain joined them.

"Introduce me to your friends, cousin."

Thorin gladly did so. "This is Tony Stark, my brother."

Dain quirked an eyebrow. "Don't you mean in-law?"

Thorin shook his head. "No, he is my brother, cousin." Dain stood up "Ah well then, welcome to the family!" And booming a laugh while he hugged Tony in a bear hug.

After hugging Tony to death Dain sat back down. "So you are the mutants Bard was talking about. Will you show me these powers?"

The professor went first by freezing Dain and controlling him, Scott declined, saying his power was too destructive. Bobby froze Dain's Ale and Storm made it rain on him. Logan unsheathed his claws, Dain was very impressed he went to touch.

"Careful, my lord, or you'll lose a finger. Dain pulled away.

"Now that, my boy, is impressive, does it hurt when they come out?"

Logan looked at Alina and smirked "Every time, but it heals instantly like this."

Logan cut his arm with the claws and it healed over as he cut it. Dain's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Well, that's useful. And you, my lass, what can you do?"

Bobby spoke up. "Oh, she's the most powerful one of us all besides the Professor." Alina blushed.

"Really? Come on lass give us a look."

Alina sighed and teleported behind Dain then manipulated his ale out of his tankard then put it back. Stomping on the ground made a large boulder come out of the ground. Then slammed back down smoothing the ground with her foot like it never happened. Lit a fireball in her hand and threw it into the fire.

"May I see your sword, Lord Dain?" He gave it to her.

With the snap of her fingers, she bent it in half. Then using her index finger and thumb she straightens it out also giving it the sharpest edge it has ever had. She also pushed him back in his chair with the wave of her hand. and finally unsheathed her bone claws.

"Wow, that's new I didn't know you had telekinesis and claws, Alina," Bobby said with the others agreeing.

Alina blushed. "I got those since I've been here."

Dain was very impressed and Thorin was very proud. Storm laughed."King Thorin, is she still teleporting everywhere instead of walking?"

Thorin started laughing "Yes, although she had no other choice but to walk on the quest. And please all of you call me Thorin. She did teleport us once to the Gap of Rohan to have a private conversation when we were at the foot of the Misty Mountains."

Everyone laughed. Alina was known for doing such things. The X-men and Avengers shared more stories about Alina with him. He could tell she was loved dearly by these people.

Thorin just watched as these humans and Mutants coddled his wife. Even the youngest of the group. He thought it was amazing how she charmed people so easily. And he loved her all the more for it. As the night wore on, he saw how her face glowed in the moonlight. His need for her grew. This would be the last night they would have together. Tomorrow night they would sleep in the tents with the rest of the soldiers.

Thorin stood up, "I think it time we all retire. Especially you Tony. You need at least a few hours sleep."

Tony got up. "Your right Thorin, and I am tired especially after humiliating my sister, good night all."

Tony took off in his suit back to the castle. Thorin looks down at his wife "And you need rest as well my love, let us go as well. Remember training all day tomorrow." With that, he helped his queen up and they left.

"Thorin, Thorin!" Thorin heard Dwalin call him. He turned to see Dwalin as Natasha strolling up to them, "Would you mind if we go with you back to the castle?"

Thorin gave Dwalin a knowing smirk. "My love, would you mind?"

She smiled at the happy couple "No not at all, let's go you know the rule."

Thorin and Dwalin took a deep breath. Natasha was used to it and they teleported to the ramparts.

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