Chapter 56 Discussion and Delightful Delay

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The time had come, It was now time to discuss heading back to Ered Luin to bring back the Dwarves of the Erebor. Thorin could no longer put off this trip. At first, he didn't want to go because Tony had to install his power source which took a month to do, then there was the sonogram that Bruce was going to perform on Alina and he didn't want to miss it. Then there was the trade agreement with Dain. And finally the whole Alina disappearing for several hours thing. This last one caused Thorin enough stress, that he didn't want to be parted from his wife right away.

All in all, a total of two months had passed since the reclaiming of Erebor. They would need to head back to the Ered Luin soon, before Dis lost her patience and set out on her own. Thorin needed to call a meeting  of the original Company to see who all was going. He also had to find out whether or not Bilbo was planning on returning to the Shire. With all that had been going on, Thorin had not sat down with the little Hobbit to ask him if he wanted to stay or not. Bilbo was more than welcomed to stay, of course, but it was also no secret that Bilbo missed his home. With that in mind, Thorin decided that tonight would be the night they would make their plans.

Bilbo and the Company including Alina, Bruce, Logan, and Natasha gathered once again in Thorin's private dining room to discuss bringing the Dwarves of Ered Luin home. Once they had eaten and Alina had eaten her bizarre combination of bananas, sardines, and waffles smothered in maple syrup and whipped cream for dessert. Much to the disgust of everyone at the table, the discussion began.

"I think the first thing we need to discuss is whether or not that contraption that Tony invented is actually safe enough to use to bring our people home." Dori said.

Alina and Bruce huff at the implication. "I think that if it was safe enough for us to cross from our world into yours, Dori, it's safe enough to travel across Middle Earth." Bruce states calmly. The  others agree.

"Alright the safety of the teleporter is no longer in question, do we need Tony to go with us to operate it," Balin asked

"No, Tony has given me a bracelet that makes operating the teleporter very simple, we should not have any problems. This particular  bracelet has only three destinations, Ered Luin, home and the Shire. Which brings up the question, Bilbo, do you wish to return to the Shire or remain here? You are, of course, more than welcomed to stay here as long as you want." Thorin says, Alina and everyone at the table agreed with Thorin.

Bilbo thought about it for a moment and reached his decision.

"As, much as I appreciate the offer, Thorin, Alina, I think it is time for me to return home. I have been away from home for far too long." Bilbo informs them.

Thorin nods, gets up from his seat, walks out of the dining room. He comes back moments later with another bracelet in his hand, he places the bracelet on the table in front of Bilbo.

"Tony thought you might choose to return to the Shire, so he made this for you. That way you can return to Erebor whenever you like. It is very simple to operate, one button is for Erebor and the other is for the Shire. Be sure to visit often as you can, though I do expect you here for the birth of my children."

Bilbo nods, "Thank you, Thorin, I shall definitely be here for the birth of your children, and Alina, be sure to thank Tony for this wonderful gift." He then hugs both Thorin and Alina.

"Now on to the matter of who is going to Ered Luin. Fili, Kili and I are obviously going." Thorin says, Fili gives him a distressed look.

"But Uncle-"

"This is not open for discussion, Fili, I need you there to help organize the people and your mother will kill me for leaving you behind. If I can survive leaving Alina behind," he takes her hand and kisses it, "so can you survive leaving Sigrid. Who else is going? Balin, I need you to stay to handle the day to day business of Erebor." Balin inclined his head to his king.

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