Niall for Brooke

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a/n: sorry if this is short, it looked a lot longer on paper.

Niall knocked on the door as I pulled my shirt up, pulled the hem of my skirt down, and glanced into the glass door to make sure everything was covered. I laughed to myself at the thought of me being embarrassed to meet his family. They were just average people, with an average son who was my world. But, I still, checked to make sure no ink or metal was exposed.

"Brooke, Brooke, I don't see why you're being like this." he said his accent thick.

"Excuse me for wanting them to like me. After all, they could be my in-laws some day and I only want them laughing at me for something funny I did, not how I was when I first met them." I retorted, as the front door opened.Though, I reasoned he had a point. I mean, they still loved their son and he was a tattooed, pierced, dip dyed punk.

"Niall!" an older man exclaimed with eyes that matched his son's. He pulled Niall into a hug, quickly releasing him, and turning his attention to me. I squirmed slightly, wishing for a cigarette right now. "And ya must be Brooke." he continued to smile as he hugged me.

"How are you Mr. Horan?" I asked wanting to seem polite.

"Call me Bobby, and I'm just fine." He offered me his arm and lead me into the house.

In the kitchen I found Niall holding a little baby boy. It was almost comical seeing the baby in the arms of Niall. It was light and dark. The baby was happy though, squealing in delight as Niall lifted him in the air.

"Un'le Nwall!" he giggled.

"Theo, Theo, look over there." Niall cooed pointing to me. "That's Brooke."

I waved, relaxing slightly. "Hi Theo." I cooed to him. So this was the famous Theo. When Niall would go home-which wasn't often- all he'd talk about was Theo.

"Pwetty!" he giggled squirming in Niall's arms. He reached out, his chubby hands grabbing for me.

As Niall handed him over, his little foot pushed up the sleeve of my shirt, revealing the tattoo on my wrist. "Dwawing! Wooke got dwawing like Nwall!" he shrieked in delight, his little finger tracing it.

I blushed, an awkward laugh falling from my lips. Bobby smiled though. He turned away, going to the cabinet, and taking out three glasses. He then went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of liquor. Filling and handing out a glass, leaving on for himself, he said, "Brooke, I think," he raised his shot glass, "that you belong with this family."

Released, I reached for the glass. Theo's little hand reached out too. "No, no Theo, you may be Irish but you can't drink yet." I scolded laughing.

He sighed, settling back on my hip. "She wong wif us. Mummy and Daddy say same fing."

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