Harry for Anna-Louise

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For the longest time I was set on saving myself. Then he came in my life worse than a freaking wrecking ball. Harry Styles became the reason I lived, breathed, ate, slept, and existed. One night, well more specifically, the night he put a ring on it, we made love. I didn’t regret it. Sure it hurt, but the pleasure outweighed the pain. The feeling of his body pressed to mine was one that even now, stirred me.

Being a virgin, I didn’t know much about how sex was supposed to go, I mean I knew the basics, but it was pleasure that I didn’t understand. Harry must have done something right though, because here I was in the pharmacy buying-what else- a pregnancy test. The older woman working the counter stared down at my left ring finger seeming pleased that there was some sort of ring on it.

I passed over the bill taking the bag with pride. I saw no need to be ashamed. It meant I was having sex, which was probably more than she was getting. Rushing out of the store and into the rain, I darted back to our flat. It would have been nicer if it was raining and we lived a mile away and there wasn’t the possibility of a child growing inside me, but who’s complaining.

Rain dripped down over me as I stepped into our flat. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be home. But, because time is such a slut, he was. Panicking at the sight of him I dropped the bag its contents spilling out onto the floor.

“Anna-Louise my love, how are you?” Harry’s tall stance greeted me, smiling my way. His lanky build slinked my way making my heart race in panic.

“I-I-I’m good, um, well, I’ll just be going. No! Don’t pick it up...” I stuttered out in failure.

Harry’s long fingers picked up the box his steady green gaze reading the box. I braced myself for whatever was due to happen. He would leave just like my parents did; this was going to be left up to me. His heavily lidded eyes looked up, in a mix of anger and concern.

“Are you?” he growled lowly.

“I-I don’t know.” I stuttered.

“Well either you are or you aren’t. We need to find out because we have someone else to take care of.”

“O-okay.” I squeaked not moving.

Harry’s eyes widened at a thought, “We need to get you out of these clothes, in a nice bath, and we need a bigger place but no stairs. Come on.” In a fraction of a second he had removed my jacket and shirt.

“I might not be.” I said in a trance.

“But just think Anna, we could be. There could already be a somebody in there. Let’s go take this test and see what happens.” His gentle hands guided me and my tummy to the bathroom waiting patiently for me to reemerge.

“Well,” I stated with a shaky breathe, “you did it.” I cheered throwing myself on him. Kneeling in front of me, he placed either hand on the sides of my stomach kissing the center.

“Hello peanut, it’s Daddy.” He cooed. Right then, I was okay with what was happening.

a/n: I love that picture.

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