Niall for Leila

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Starting my new job was like the first day of school, terrifying. There were all the possibilities of things that could and would go wrong, that I reluctantly woke up and trudged into the office building. I was an aid to an assistant- the literal definition of fun.

The building itself was different. Nothing like I had ever worked with before. Its exterior was decorated with graffiti, while the inside was a 1960’s posh mess. As soon as I stepped closer into the hall I was greeted with quite the charming face. A small man, petite even, smiled at me his nose crinkling. “Hey babe! You’re Leila right? Of course you are, anyway follow me! You’ll be working with Niall. I’m Louis, the paralegal here at Malik and Styles, though my services are often used for desk work.” At this point Louis pulled a face of distaste.

I giggled lightly at his action now noticing how heavily tattooed he was. He pointed me down a hall while he turned the other way, humming something about a boy named Harry and another assistant named Liam. I checked my hair in the slight reflection that I caught in the picture frame-which the painting inside was amazing if I did say so myself. Reasoning that my hair was okay and I looked presentable, I quietly knocked on my boss’s door.

“Come on in babe.” A fast accent spoke. I tried to enter gracefully but ended up stumbling slightly. The voice chuckled a bit before saying, “Watch your step there love, can’t afford to lose another aid like that.”

The heat that flushed my cheeks was uncommon given my outgoing nature, but my boss, the head honcho, was like looking at an Italian Vogue that was sleeved and pierced. “Hello, I’m Zayn Malik, you can call be Zayn. You’ll be aiding my assistant Niall, and hopefully you’ll show great potential. We are always looking for more help, its rough when there are only two lawyers and the paralegal.”

“I can imagine.” I sympathized which brought a crinkly smile to his face.

“This is where you help Niall. I do apologize for the coffee runs, I’ve read your resume and know you’re worth more than that, but if that keeps Niall in check, well then it’s working.” Zayn continued shuffling through papers. “Any questions, he could be here soon.”

“Yes, actually, forgive me for asking, but is there a correlation between your outer appearance and that of the law firm?”

“Yes, actually.” He answered. “It’s a metaphor for how we try cases: you can’t judge someone based on their outward appearance.”

“It’s a very nice metaphor.” I commented as the door opened revealing a boy with lilac hair.

“And here he is now! This is Niall, Niall Leila. Now if you two could do some filing for me, I’d appreciate it.” Zayn threw a stack of files in Niall’s arm and pushed us into a closet filled with cabinets.

Niall was cute there weren’t any other words could describe him. He offered an infectious smile as he opened one of the cabinets. “Hi, I’m Niall, and, um, I guess we’ll be working together and you’re really beautiful-shit, I said that out loud, sorry, um, sorry.” His fair cheeks blushed as his thick Irish accent fumbled over multiple apologies.

“It’s fine! Really, you’re quite the looker yourself.”

“Really? I mean, yeah, I know.” He shrugged trying to be cool, but that caused him to fumble. His chest became pressed against mine as our breaths stopped for a second, only to synchronize. After staring into his eyes that were the shade of blue that puppies can have, I found myself drawn in.

“I-I think that since we can say that we’ll have both come out of the closet together when we’re done in here, that maybe kissing isn’t a bad idea, do you?” I stuttered out just wanting to snuggle up against him.

“I think you’re pretty damn smart.” He mumbled pressing his lips to mine. His breath was a sweet taste like he had sweets beforehand. I moved mine against his for a second before he pulled away leaving me pouting. “I propose we go on a date.”

“I accept this proposal.”

“Well we’ll have to wait until we get off, Zayn has my money.” I laughed at his confession as I started to file away. Niall was a catch, even though I just met him, he seemed like a good guy.

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