Niall for Madison

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Niall Horan slammed the door to the shared flat, shaking the frames on the walls. Madison flew down the stairs after him, tears falling from her grey eyes. She was beyond pissed at the punk boy she fell for. She looked beyond the hard exterior and saw what was inside of him. He was nothing more than an overgrown five year old that colored on his arms in permanent ink.

She ran to the door throwing it open, running out into the night after him. He stood in the drive staring up at the stars, thinking of how small he was. How none of his problems meant anything to anyone else. He knew by the soft, fresh scent in the air, that Madison was there watching him. Reaching down to stuff his hands in his pockets, only to be met with cold air glancing down, he saw he was clad only in his boxers.

He trembled back inside, catching Madison’s wrist pulling her back in with him both grumbling curses in Gaelic damning the other one. Niall shut the door like he had earlier, and turned on a lamp. He saw her trembling frame, short and athletic before him.

“Do you even love me anymore?” she sputtered out in with a mix of sobs. She sunk against the wall, holding her blonde head in her hands. “Because lately, I don’t think you do.”

The purple haired lad’s heart shattered right there on the floor. He approached her, bending down to her level, grabbing her hands, pulling them away from her face. “There we go Princess, let me see those beautiful eyes of yours, yes.” He was counting this as a win in this makeup. 

Niall took notice of her change in eye color as she waited for his response. They flickered with one blink from a threatening gray to an innocent blue that waved with fear.  “Do you?” she pressed.

“Of course I do, I always will you. You know that.” He whimpered tracing along the soft lines of her cheeks.

“You’re never home, Niall. And when you decide to finally come home, it’s way later than usual.  You need to tell me now.”

“Angel, you got to understand.”

“Niall, tell me now, what’s her name and do you love her?”

Niall felt he was losing a battle right now, if he didn’t spill it soon she’d leave, but at the same time, it’d ruin the surprise. His phone buzzed on the counter, causing Madison’s eyes to shift back to gray.

“Who’s that going to be Nialll?” she asked pushing herself up of the wall and towards his phone.

“Harry.” Niall confessed. He reasoned if he lost her, he’d never get to marry her.

Madison hummed and checked the phone, reading the message from Harry. Hey I’m bringing the goods over now ;)

“The goods?! So you’re doing drugs now! Damn it Niall, this is why my parents don’t like you.” She rubbed her temples slowly, stress getting to her. “You can do whatever the hell you want-“

“You aren’t leaving are you?”

“I’m going to bed; I have a paper due in two days.”  Niall reached out to hug Madison just like every night, but the petite girl didn’t return the act.

Niall rubbed his jaw as he watched her sexy figure retreat upstairs in nothing more than one of his t-shirts. The door opened Harry silently stepping in. There was a lump in his jacket squiggling in lumps.

“Here’s the little guy.” Harry cooed unzipping the jacket revealing a squirming puppy. “I almost didn’t want to part with him, he fell asleep.”

“You almost didn’t have to.” Niall grumbled shooing Harry out.

Picking up the little pup, he carried it to the garage where Niall had set up a suitable bed for tonight for the both of them. Early the next morning, he stood, stretched, and picked up the little pup, sliding the collar and id on. He took a deep breath and grabbed the little box from his car.

Trotting upstairs he knocked on the door while he opened it. Madison was already up looking small and shy as she tapped away on her laptop. “What?” she asked without looking up. “I jumped to conclusion last night, Harry was probably being stupid.”

“Damn right you did.” Niall grumbled approaching the bed. “I missed you last night.” He said sitting on the edge.

“You could’ve slept up here with me.” She said without much emotion.

“Ah, I’m such a fool!” a soft giggle found its way to Madison’s chewed on lips. “But I couldn’t anyway, cause of this little guy?”

“This little guy, what?”

Looking up Madison was met with the small pup, patiently waiting for her to move the laptop.  She carefully through it aside, stretching her arms out for it to waddle her way. It sprang in her lap nuzzling close.

“Read the tag.” Niall ordered lowering himself onto the floor with one knee.

“Will you marry my new Daddy?” her breathe caught as it hit her, he wasn’t cheating, he wasn’t a druggy, he was trying to be cute. “Oh, Niall!”

She hopped of the bed, tackling him to the ground, kissing him harshly. “Is that a yes?” he asked hopeful, pulling out the ring.


a/n: Niall Horan is his natural habitat ladies and gentlemen. that little cutie.

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