Liam for Isabella Pt. 4

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It was near midnight when Liam and I tiptoed to the hall closet pulling out boxes and boxes. We giggled silently as we placed the gifts below the tree the kids decorated weeks before. It was work, really, gift wrapping and delivering, but worth it all the same.

I found myself giving into the dreamy sleep that I so deserved, when Liam picked me up from the couch, cradling me in his arms. A gently finger brushed my cheek, softly pulling me back into consciousness.  “Let’s go upstairs baby, I have a gift for you if you’re not too tired.”

I eagerly nodded, kissing the closest bit of skin I could. “Sure thing Santa.” I giggled tugging at the hat that he wore.

Sexy Christmas lingerie and one possible baby later, Liam and I were sleeping soundly in our bed. I knew we hadn’t been asleep all that long when I heard the first set of footprints. I rolled over, kissing Liam’s Christmas pajama shirt. He grunted. The second and third set of foot prints joined the first, along with shrieks and giggles. “Liam”, was all I groaned still groggy.

“Maybe,” he mumbled, sleep wanting to return, “if we ignore them, they’ll just go away.” His grizzly face skimmed over my skin, lips gently peppering my face. I curled tighter around him, hugging his waist.

The door creaked open, throwing light into the room. Three blinding seconds later, all three of the Payne children dove onto our bed, crawling their way over on top of us. Ella crawled to Liam, forcing his eye lid open. “Merry Christmas, Daddy!”

“Merry Christmas, baby girl!”  

Eli curled up on my stomach, Ella on my side. “So, Mummy, guess what?”

“What?” I played along, already delighted by their wondrous gaze with anticipation.

“Santa’s been here!” all three cried out in delight.

“No, no, I don’t think so, why it’s only,” Liam rolled over midsentence, “four in the morning.”

Oh, God, grumpy twins by three in the afternoon, wonderful. “But he has!” they persisted.

“You sure? I mean, you have been rather naughty this year, maybe he made a mistake.” Liam continued.

“Mummy?” they wobbled, falling off the bed in delight.

I sighed kicking the covers off, “Let’s go see what Santa brought.”

As predicted, the twins were napping profusely at Nana Payne’s, but it was a good Christmas for them, and their joy was all that mattered.  

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