Harry for Mia-Rose

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a/n: hey guys! Sorry i haven't posted in awhile. I hope this is good, it's not really smutty, but hey, i tried.

I stood facing the door, my hand wrapped around the door knob. I could taste the salt of the tears that wouldn’t stop on my lips. A bag was lazily slung on my shoulder with everything I needed for a few days inside. He wanted this; after all, he was the one who told me to leave. I shuddered at the memory of his deep throaty voice screaming at me while he pointed to the door. I could remember the intensity in his green eyes, his lips forming the words deliberately.

The soft thud of his heavy figure crossing the floor pulled me from the fearful trance. “Mia,” he called softly. Without turning I could see him. He’d be shirtless, he couldn’t stand clothes. He’d still be in his jeans his long curls would be falling heavily in his face greasy and kinky. He’d bit his lip tugging on the metal while rubbing the hypnotic ink on his bulky arms. “I-I didn’t mean that.”

I trembled against the door clutching the knob to stay up. I leaned my forehead against the grained wood trying to calm down. I couldn’t let him see me like this. It was too much, all too much. This fight, whatever it was over, was the reason for my walls. They were a safety net, a harness, the seatbelt that saves you. “Which part?” I croaked remembering the previous hour.

“Just tell me what’s wrong!” he shouted advancing toward me.

“No, you wouldn’t get it.” I retreated, trying to get back up stairs.

“If you don’t tell me, I can’t fix it. I love you, just tell me.” I shook my head trying to keep everything in, “Do you not love me? Do you not trust me?” Harry asked his voice catching, his green eyes flooding with a childish fear. The bluntness of the question caught me off guard. Those few seconds of silence was all he needed. “Then leave.” He ordered swallowing.

“W-what?” I squeaked out.

“LEAVE, GO!”  He shouted his larger frame starting to tremble. His green eyes glossed over with emotions that were hard for him to show. His large hand pointed to the door the rings catching the light.

“All of it.” He throated. “I, I just, I need to know what to fix. What I can do to make you happy.” He stepped closer to me. “You don’t need to leave, you’re all I have.” He dared another step. “So take your hand off, and we’ll go up to bed. C’mon.” he cooed. I released the knob turning to face him, “That’s right baby girl, that’s right.”

A sense of calm washed over me at the term of endearment. I slowly turned to face him having been right about his appearance. His heavily tattooed chest rose and fell quickly, his breaths quick with anger. Stepping back, I watched him inhale deeply. “You’re still mad.” I said quietly.

“At myself, for what I said, never you kitten, never you.” His gentle tone was drew me in when we first met. Yeah, he was dark, yeah he was scary, but he was gentle with me.

I dared a step toward him, the bag thumbing to the floor. “I do love you Harry, but you’ve got to understand my walls are so tall, so sturdy they’re hard to break. They’re ivy covered stone, Harry. It takes a lot to trust.” I confessed walking into his open arms.

They wrapped around me in a tight hug, my height hitting perfectly with his heart. “I know, I know. And part of loving someone is helping them. I’ll help you Mia-Rose, if it’s the only good thing I do.”

I pecked his bare chest causing his grip to tighten. “Well now,” he chuckled, “let’s take this upstairs.”

I eagerly agreed to this wrapping my legs around his torso. We stumbled down the hall his hands traveling around while I clung to his curls. Fumbling into the bedroom I kicked the door shut as Harry peeled my shirt off. I squirmed trying to cling to it, “No,” he growled, “you’re shy and stunning and perfect.”

His plump lips hitting the skin of my stomach with kisses molded just for me, the cool metal causing me to gasp, a moan leaving my lips. “I’m going to make you feel so good. I’m going to make up for earlier. I’m going to love you like I’ve never loved you before.”

At the thought of this, I bucked myself closer to him grabbing at his zipper. I let out a grunt of anticipation when his large inked hands gently leaned me back onto the bed. “We have time, let’s make it last.”

I stared at him his tattoos a psychedelic drug, captivating me, pulling me in, chipping away at the walls, “Okay.”

Harry let out one last moan of my name before laying atop me, our sweaty bodies glistening and covered in displays of our affection. “I love you Harry.” I panted out.

He placed a lingering kiss on my chest before mumbling, “I love you Mia-Rose.”

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